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- Considering that ABE License? See What Hamline Has to Offer!

Considering that ABE License? See What Hamline Has to Offer!
Betsy Parrish, ProfessorDid you know…?
Hamline University is now in its fifth year of offering both an initial Adult Basic Education (ABE) license through the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Initial Licensure Program in the School of Education and Leadership, as well as the additional license for those already holding a current teaching license. We have already awarded many ABE licenses to MN educators and we are looking forward to many more people entering the program in the fall.
What do program grads have to say?
Program participants come to us with a variety of goals and from different types of programs. We asked some of our graduates to share their experience in the program and here’s what they had to say.
With adult education programs increasingly seeking teachers with ABE licenses, I chose to add a license that reflects my commitment to adult education. Hamline is known for its leadership in the field of adult education, so I was thrilled when they added this license. I was not disappointed! In Hamline’s ABE licensure program. I connected with colleagues from diverse adult education backgrounds as we engaged with coursework that was directly applicable in my ABE classroom.
– Amy Van Steenwyk, Additional Licensure Graduate, Adult Education Teacher at Minneapolis Adult Education
If you are considering your initial license through Hamline University, go for it! Upon receiving my MN State ABE license, I secured a teaching position in a Beginning ESL classroom at a local nonprofit. The ABE content courses are all taught by folks working directly in the field of Adult Education, so you’ll have direct access to great minds!
– Kiana Erickson, Initial Licensure Graduate, Blended Learning ESL Teacher, Literacy MN – Open Door Learning Centers
I enrolled in the Adult Basic Education licensure program at Hamline as a non-traditional student not knowing quite what to expect. I discovered courses that challenged me to deepen my understanding, teachers that supported and encouraged me, and a welcoming, inclusive environment of diverse learners. I could not have been luckier! The program consistently demanded that I think beyond just assignments and consider the impact educators have on students. I am so grateful I landed here and look forward to what comes next!
– Mary Johnson Schwinghamer, Initial Licensure Graduate
What’s involved in getting the additional ABE license if you DO hold a license in another area?
Are you already working in adult education with a K-12 license but want expertise on how best to serve adult learners? The Additional ABE License is only 13 graduate credits, and it’s possible that previous coursework you have completed (including graduate credits for ATLAS professional development offerings) may count toward this total. If you already hold a K-12 teaching license, you will complete these ABE-specific courses:
What’s involved in getting the ABE license if you DON’T hold a license in another area?
The initial ABE license is 31 graduate credits, and it’s possible that previous coursework you have completed (including graduate credits for ATLAS professional development offerings) may count toward this total. The coursework involves:
*This involves documenting 100 contact hours in an adult education classroom, two observations by Hamline faculty, and an exit portfolio with reflections and assignments from coursework.
** The elective may be in ESL, math, culture, or other topics as approved by the program. These may potentially be fulfilled through co-sponsored credits completed through ATLAS Professional Development events. ATLAS offers co-sponsored credit for attending the Language & Literacy Institute in January (1 credit), completing the CCRS Implementation Cohort (3 credits), and participating in the Teaching Numeracy to Adults mini-cohort (2 credits), for example. Watch the MN ABE Connect newsletter for professional development opportunities through ATLAS.
As part of the MAT Degree program, you can either stop after 31 credits with your ABE license, or go on to earn a Masters with only 8 additional credits (see the licensure website for more details).
Do I really need an ABE license if I already hold a MN teaching license?
Per Minnesota State Statute 122A.26, one must hold a valid Minnesota teaching license in order to teach in a Minnesota ABE program delivered by a school district/community education. If you don’t hold any license, the initial ABE license would fulfill these requirements. Other entities that deliver ABE programming (e.g. community-based organizations) are not subject to the requirements of 122A.26. All ABE providers may establish criteria in addition to these state statute requirements and some providers may require ABE teachers to hold a valid ABE license. For those holding a K-12 license, earning the 13-credit additional license provides you with expertise on working with adults in adult education systems!
How can I get started?
You can get started this fall! All of the ABE courses are online, and most of the initial licensure courses are as well, so you can take them from anywhere in Minnesota! First, you need to apply online to the appropriate program (additional or initial licensure) through Graduate Admissions. Once admitted, your program advisor will assist you in registering for the correct courses. There are plenty of options open!
Additional Licensure: Get details on the Additional Licensure program here.
Initial Licensure program: Start by visiting the website for Hamline’s Master’s in Teaching (MAT).
For advising and an evaluation of potential transfer credits: Start by completing this form.
For questions regarding course content and working in the field of adult education: Contact Betsy Parrish or Julia Reimer at Hamline.
Betsy Parrish, Professor
(Note: Betsy will be on sabbatical from June 20, 2024 through January 20, 2025)
School of Education and Leadership
Julia Reimer, Associate Professor
School of Education and Leadership

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