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- Exploring Level D/E Standards

Exploring Level D/E Standards
Genna HartIn case you missed it…
Unsure of where to start when it comes to figuring out what level D/E standards are asking?
You’re in luck! During Math Institute 2024 a session was presented on Exploring D/E Level standards. I was fortunate to be one of the presenters in this session! As someone who only uses the D/E standards, the information shared has been very helpful in my teaching and understanding of standards. After professional development I often forget about all of the amazing resources that are shared, so I want to share all of this information with you!
CCR Standards documents
This session had a really robust discussion as well as instruction on how to use several different tools for standards. The tools presented included the CCRS blue book and Content Progressions document. Both of these resources have all the standards written out, along with the shifts and practices.
The Content Progressions document is organized by level and also by domain, to highlight the important coherent progressions in the CCRS. Standards associated with the Major Work of the Level (MWOTL) are also identified in this document.
Coherence map
In addition to the CCRS resources, the session focused on the website Achieve the Core. While the Achieve the Core website is focused on the K-12 standards, the CCRS standards are very closely aligned. The coherence map is a great tool to use to see the breakdown of a standard, and looking at what comes before and after to see the scope and sequence of the standard. This is a tool that is useful in understanding what the standard is asking for and offers up some activities to use. The Achieve the Core website has so many tools and resources that it can take a little time to navigate, but don’t shy away from it!
Adult Diploma capstone tasks
If you’re looking for resources to help wrap up coursework and submit for the Adult Diploma, ATLAS offers several capstone options. These capstone options vary from coursework tests to projects that show students knowledge and mastery in level D and E standards. The capstone options can be found in the ATLAS HSE library.
The recorded session is about an hour long and can be found on the MN Adult Education Professional Development YouTube channel under the 2024 Math Institute playlist. In addition to watching the recording, you can also view the published slides.
CEUs for viewing recordings
Additionally, if you watch the Exploring D/E Standards recording (or others from Math Institute), you can earn CEU credits! Check out the directions for earning CEUs from ATLAS.

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