Getting Started with CASAS eTests

Getting Started with CASAS eTests

You’ve done all of the required trainings and have installed CASAS eTests and TopsPRO on your computer. You have shiny new eTests in your account.

Now what?

Are you still feeling as if you need some face-to-face help to implement computer-based testing? Or maybe you have started testing, and have come up with some new questions. CASAS wants to help you successfully implement the use of CASAS eTests.

Please join us virtually on Tuesday, February 8, 1:00-3:00 p.m., for an interactive presentation on getting started with eTests for Minnesota agencies. This presentation will cover the following topics:

  • Understanding basic CASAS eTests terminology
  • How to add new users (staff members) to eTests/TOPSpro Enterprise
  • How to add sites to your account
  • Understanding the CASAS default testing sessions
  • How to administer CASAS eTests
  • How to access student performance reports and test records

The session will be recorded for those who cannot attend. If you are interested in eTesting at your agency and have not yet started, this will be a great opportunity to learn more.

The presenter will be Elizabeth Scheib. She has worked for CASAS for the last four years as a program specialist. She assists new programs transitioning to using CASAS eTests and provides support for programs utilizing remote testing. She works with federal and state agencies, business and industry, community colleges, education and training providers, correctional facilities, and technical programs to implement assessment and curriculum that strengthens workforce talent.

For more information, you can contact Marty Olsen, Access to the training will be via ZOOM at the link below.

Join Zoom Meeting >>

Meeting ID: 937 4422 6770

Passcode: 058356

Marty Olsen, Coordinator, SW ABE-South SW ABE-South