Lunch & Learn: Live Colleague Discussions on Schoology!

Lunch & Learn: Live Colleague Discussions on Schoology!

As promised, new and exciting features are coming our way! Please join us for real-time discussions with an ABE professional. This is new, but I’m hoping to do this once a month at noon, so people can enjoy the discussion as they are free for lunch. But no worries if you can’t make it that day; the topic will be kept in Schoology for the long run and accessible anytime. You can even add in questions after the discussion has ended!

We’re getting underway this Thursday, October 18 at noon with this month’s topic: Math Escape Rooms – the who, what and why of having a Math Escape Room, live with Terri Ferris and Steve Johnson from AEOA! Have questions already? Pop into the group and add them to the discussion beforehand, or comment on the post. They will be addressed!

Have a topic you would like to share with others, or would fit well into our discussions? Please contact Melissa Brusacoram either through Schoology or at

This is just what I need!  How do I join the Schoology group?

Please see the previous MN ABE Connect article regarding Schoology for instructions on how to join the group! There are step-by-step instructions on how to join the One Room Schoolhouse group on Schoology.

Melissa Brusacoram, Instructor / ATLAS One-Room Schoolhouse Schoology Administrator AEOA