Questions! Questions! I Have Testing Questions!

Questions! Questions! I Have Testing Questions!

The first question is “What does this dog have to do with CASAS and TABE testing?” That’s an easy one! The dog has absolutely nothing to do with testing, but it’s cute and it got you to stop and take a look at this article!

Do you have questions about CASAS and/or TABE testing?

We’re going to try something new as test trainers. We are going to have “Virtual Office Hours” during which test trainers will be available online to answer any questions that you may have. You can join us just to ask a question about assessments, or you can stick around and listen to questions others may have. It will be a great time for all of us to learn from each other. We will hold the Virtual Office Hours on the following two dates:

You can access the virtual office hours which will be held via ZOOM by clicking on the links above.

We have new staff that need CASAS or TABE Implementation training. Will there be a training soon?

Yes! We are planning virtual implementation trainings in May. Staff can use the following information to attend. There is no need to register, but if you have questions, contact Marty Olsen – or Linda Keller –

How often are we required to renew our training?

The following “Assessment Training Guidelines” come from the Minnesota Assessment Policy (2021-2022):  “New instructors should not administer assessments until they have participated in assessment training, which is offered by ABE supplemental service providers. All instructors administering tests must participate in ABE supplemental services-provided training for each test they administer at least once every 5 years.“ (Find the Assessment Policy at

How can staff renew their training?

We are going to be offering Recertification Trainings for both CASAS and TABE on June 22. These 1-hour virtual trainings will refresh seasoned staff as to best practices in test administration and update participants as to the latest updates in the each of the test series. To access these virtual trainings, follow the links below:

Who is responsible for tracking staff training?

Programs must maintain a record for each instructor administering tests that includes the date, trainer and location of each training completed by the instructor. This can be tracked under the staff history tab  in SiD.

Marty Olsen, Coordinator SW ABE-South