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- Schoology: Addressing the Unique Needs of the One-Room Schoolhouse Setting

Schoology: Addressing the Unique Needs of the One-Room Schoolhouse Setting
Melissa Brusacoram, Instructor / ATLAS One-Room Schoolhouse Schoology AdministratorAttention, one-room schoolhouse instructors!
Schoology is a powerful online tool to ease the isolation that can come with our settings and provide a place for growth and positive discussion on issues, concerns and curriculum that are unique to the one-room schoolhouse context. The One-Room Schoolhouse group on Schoology is a place to “meet” education professionals just like you, seek advice, share resources, and voice your concerns.
Not sure if you are a One-Room Schoolhouse practitioner?
Answer yes to any of the following questions, and you are in the right place:
- I teach/manage multi-level classes
- I teach/manage multi-subjects
- I am interested in all things ABE
What have we accomplished so far?
More than two years of discussion and collaboration through the One-Room Schoolhouse group on Schoology have helped many ABE practitioners across Minnesota and led to wonderful professional development sessions and additional resources, such as the following:
- Citizenship 101
- Multi-level ELL classes
- Drivers Education Resources
- TABE 11/12 sessions
- Standards and Adult Diploma
~Collaboration helps to benefit ourselves, our students and our communities.~
ABE practitioners working in one-room schoolhouse settings have unique challenges that have become ever more complicated as our field evolves to include an emphasis on standards, career pathways, technology, student persistence, and more.
So join us on Schoology!
Create a Schoology Account
- Go to Schoology.com, click on Sign Up, then choose Instructor
- Follow the instructions provided
*For more instruction on joining and using Schoology, check out the One-Room Schoolhouse Winter Webinar – Feb 15, 2017 found on the MN ABE YouTube page (http://tinyurl.com/mnabepd). From the YouTube homepage, click Playlists to find One Room Schoolhouse / Multilevel ABE.
Join the One-Room Schoolhouse Group
- Go to Schoology.com and log in
- Under the Groups dropdown menu, click Join at the bottom
- Enter access code SP5KP-MNCH4
Once you’re in Schoology, please post a brief introduction, and a few things you are interested in discussing. Please also allow your settings to send notifications; this will keep you updated on ongoing discussions!
NEW and Coming Soon: Real-time discussions with ABE professionals around the state!
Have a topic you would like to discuss with an expert? Send group facilitator Melissa Brusacoram a message through Schoology and let her know!
Contact the group facilitator: Melissa Brusacoram, AEOA
melissa.brusacoram@aeoa.org / 218-735-6864
We look forward to hearing from you!

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