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CCRS Reading Standards: Foundational Skills K-5

Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) – for Educators – offers free, reproducible student activities aligned with Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Reading Foundational Skills (and other ELA standards). They are organized by grade levels (K-5), provide teacher pages outlining objectives/materials/steps, and include student pages without a childish appearance (aside from perhaps pictures and larger font).

They align with College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) Reading Standards: Foundational Skills K-5: alphabet knowledge & phonological awareness (RF.2.), letter-sound correspondences, syllabication patterns, affixes, & roots (RF.3.), and reading with sufficient accuracy and fluency (RF.4.).

Note from FCRR: All educators are welcome to make print copies of the Student Center Activities as long as modifications are not made, the materials will only be used for non-profit educational purposes, and the copyright remains the same. The resources on our site may be linked to but not reposted, reproduced, modified or copied to other sites.

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