Recent Newsletter Articles
Academic Language and ELLs: What Teachers Need to Know
This article helps educators understand the role that academic language plays in their classrooms and in ELL student success. The article also includes information on social vs. academic language, as well as numerous examples of the different kinds of academic language needed for all students to fully participate in classroom activities and assignments. Read More
Notice and Wonder about Data: Using Slow Reveal Graphs
Participants in this workout work with slow reveal graphs to notice and wonder about data and experience the activity just as they would present it to students. Read More
The “Why” Behind Cross-Multiplication
Participants in this workout examine why only teaching the process of “cross-multiplying and dividing” without developing conceptual understanding of this process is detrimental to student learning and will understand the importance of teaching conceptual understanding for commonly used algorithms. Read More
Borrowing/Carrying –> Regrouping
Participants in this workout learn to teach strategies that support conceptual understanding of place value instead of the algorithm. Read More
Let’s Talk About Dots!
Participants in this workout identify a low-risk strategy for students to see math as patterns and practice speaking about patterns,articulate ways to encourage student sharing around math topics, and consider the creativity present in math. Read More
Building Conceptual Understanding
Participants in this workout consider the conceptual understanding behind the traditional algorithm for long division and then recognize the importance of building students’ conceptual understanding beyond this example of long division and into every area of math. Read More
Why Before How
Teachers can use this book to build the concept of place value, encourage students to consider multiple methods for solving problems, and build real understanding of the meaning behind addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division paving the way to beginning algebra. Read More
Fluency Without Fear
Turns out memorization, timed tests and flash cards are not the most effective ways to learn math facts! This article from Jo Boaler addresses developing students' fluency with math facts (such as times tables), including confidence and how some common approaches to math facts can be related to anxiety and loss of perseverance. Read More
Concept, Method, Procedure (The Secret Formula for Math Success)
Max Ray, of The Math Forum, explores developing procedures from conceptual understanding. His 5-minute video uses dividing by fractions as the topic for instruction. Read More
Achieve the Core – Math Standards
The site describes itself as "full of free content designed to help educators understand and implement the Common Core and other college and career ready standards." Resources include CCRS-aligned tasks, activities, lessons and more, but also materials to support educators in understanding the standards and the content. Read More