Recent Newsletter Articles
Life Science Task
This task provides an opportunity for an adult diploma student to demonstrate diploma competencies in Life Science. The resource includes teacher-facing instructions, student-facing instructions, and materials needed to complete the entire task. Components of this task are also appropriate for use with GED learners. Read More
Earth & Space Science Task
This task provides an opportunity for an adult diploma student to demonstrate diploma competencies in Earth & Space Science. The resource includes teacher-facing instructions, student-facing instructions, and materials needed to complete the entire task. Components of this task are also appropriate for use with GED learners. Read More
U.S. Government Task
This task provides an opportunity for an adult diploma student to demonstrate diploma compentencies in U.S. Government. The resource includes teacher-facing instructions, student-facing instructions, and materials needed to complete the entire task. Components of this task are also appropriate for use with GED learners. Read More
Geography Task
This task provides an opportunity for an adult diploma student to demonstrate diploma compentencies in Geography. The resource includes teacher-facing instructions, student-facing instructions, and materials needed to complete the entire task. Components of this task are also appropriate for use with GED learners. Read More
History Task
This task provides an opportunity for an adult diploma student to demonstrate diploma competencies in History. The resource includes teacher-facing instructions, student-facing instructions, and materials needed to complete the entire task. Components of this task are also appropriate for use with GED learners. Read More
Economics Task
This task provides an opportunity for an adult diploma student to demonstrate diploma competencies in Economics. The resource includes teacher-facing instructions, student-facing instructions, and materials needed to complete the entire task. Components of this task are also appropriate for use with GED learners. Read More
Rubrics for Providing Writing Feedback
These two rubrics were created by Stephanie Sommers, Writing Curriculum Team Lead with Minneapolis Adult Education. They are examples of single point rubrics, a format with "at target" expectations in a middle column, a blank column to the left for "below target," and another blank column to the right for "above target." This provides students with specific and valuable teacher feedback for improving their performance. Read More
Implicit Bias Test
The Implicit Association Test (IAT) is an initiative of Project Implicit, an international nonprofit collaborative that researches "thoughts and feelings outside of conscious awareness and control." The IAT consists of a series of tests that can be taken to measure personal attitudes on race, religion, gender and sexual identity, ability, age, etc., as a first step towards addressing implicit bias. Read More
Anti-Racist Educator Self-Examination and Questionnaire
This working document is intended be used as a tool for educators to reflect on their own pedagogical assumptions, biases, backgrounds, and preconceived notions, with a view to enabling teachers to intentionally create anti-racist classes. Read More
e-Diagnostic Reading Assessment (DRA) Processes and Scoring for Teachers and Testers
A PDF companion to the other e-DRA slides and documents that: (1) outlines standard testing processes step-by-step, (2) supports accurate scoring and determination of Grade, Mastery, and Instructional Levels, and (3) provides text-dependent comprehension questions. Read More