
Recent Newsletter Articles

NorthStar Digital Literacy Assessment

The Northstar Digital Literacy Assessment is a self-guided, online set of assessments that show an individual’s ability to perform basic computer skills in seven skill area areas: Basic Computer Use, Internet, Windows OS/Mac OS, Email, Word Processing (using Microsoft Word), Social Media, Excel, and PowerPoint. Read More

Stanford History Education Group

This comprehensive website has multiple lesson plans and assessments that cover a wide range of social studies topics, including World History. The "Reading Like a Historian" curriculum engages students in historical inquiry, while the "Beyond the Bubble" history assessments measure students' historical thinking skills. The "Civic Online Reasoning" activities assess students’ ability to critically evaluate online content. Read More

Stanford History Education Group

This comprehensive website has multiple lesson plans and assessments that cover a wide range of social studies topics, including U.S. History. The "Reading Like a Historian" curriculum engages students in historical inquiry, while the "Beyond the Bubble" history assessments measure students' historical thinking skills. The "Civic Online Reasoning" activities assess students’ ability to critically evaluate online content. Read More

Minnesota Career Information System (MCIS)

This Adult Education version of the Minnesota Career Information System (MCIS) provides tools and resources on a variety of skill and interest assessments, detailed information on over 500 careers, a resume creator tool, and tips for conducting a successful job search. MCIS is a very powerful and useful tool for programs doing Adult Diploma and for anyone wanting to build career awareness with adult learners. Read More

LearningExpress Library

This online library is a comprehensive collection of resources geared towards helping adults achieve their education and career goals. It covers topics such as job search and workplace skills improvement, skill building in reading, writing, math, and basic science, career certification and licensure exam prep, college and grad school entrance test prep, GED test prep, and more. Read More