
Recent Newsletter Articles

CCRS Level C – Which Soap is Best?

"Which Soap is Best?" is part of a series of standards-aligned sample ELA activities that you can use with your students to make connections between their schoolwork (college and career) and the community. In all cases, you can use these activities as is, or you could modify to best fit the needs of your learners. Read More

CCRS Level C – Coronavirus Myth vs. Fact

"Coronavirus Myth vs. Fact" is part of a series of standards-aligned sample ELA activities that you can use with your students to make connections between their schoolwork (college and career) and the community. In all cases, you can use these activities as is, or you could modify to best fit the needs of your learners. Read More

CCRS Level B – Newsela “Fear” Article

"Newsela 'Fear' Article" is part of a series of standards-aligned sample ELA activities that you can use with your students to make connections between their schoolwork (college and career) and the community. In all cases, you can use these activities as is, or you could modify to best fit the needs of your learners. Read More

CCRS Level B – #StayHomeMN Flyer

"StayHomeMN Flyer" is part of a series of standards-aligned sample ELA activities that you can use with your students to make connections between their schoolwork (college and career) and the community. In all cases, you can use these activities as is, or you could modify to best fit the needs of your learners. Read More

Stay-At-Home Mandate

"Stay-At-Home Mandate" is part of a series of standards-aligned sample math activities that you can use with your students to make connections between their schoolwork (college and career) and the community. In all cases, you can use these activities as is, or you could modify to best fit the needs of your learners. Read More

Interpreting Visual Information

"Interpreting Visual Information" is part of a series of standards-aligned sample math activities that you can use with your students to make connections between their schoolwork (college and career) and the community. In all cases, you can use these activities as is, or you could modify to best fit the needs of your learners. Read More

Understanding the Rapid Spread of COVID-19 in Our Communities

"Understanding the Rapid Spread of COVID-19 in Our Communities" is part of a series of standards-aligned sample math activities that you can use with your students to make connections between their schoolwork (college and career) and the community. In all cases, you can use these activities as is, or you could modify to best fit the needs of your learners. Read More

Youth Leadership Initiative

The Youth Leadership Initiative (YLI) offers free education resources for teachers along with other materials to encourage students to participate in the political process. Teachers can download K-12 and adult leveled lessons on topics such as the political process, foundations of American government, the presidency, and political beliefs and behaviors. Teachers can sign-up for YLI’s E-Congress program that allows students to learn about Congress by writing original legislation. YLI’s online mock election activity uses electronic ballots tailored to each student’s home legislative district. Read More


EconEdLink offers free economic and personal finance lesson materials for all levels of students. The lessons include a teacher and student version and are designed to be delivered in a variety of formats and classroom settings. Lessons can be searched by resource type, economic concept/subject, and by standards. In addition to lessons, EconEdLink offers computer-based interactive lessons and a number of videos and a comprehensive glossary to reinforce content. Read More

Vote Smart

The mission of Vote Smart is to provide free, factual and unbiased information on candidates and elected officials at the federal, state and local levels. Vote Smart provides candidates' biographical information, voting records/positions on various issues, endorsements, speeches, and contribution history. There are links related to ballot measures, election contacts, and voter registration by locality. For teachers and students, Vote Smart offers a free K-12-level government curriculum and an online “Government 101” tutorial with informative overviews on all aspects of American politics. Read More