Recent Newsletter Articles

TABE 13&14, CASAS Beginning Literacy, BEST Plus 3.0… and MORE!
Happy 2025! There are so many changes (for the better) happening in assessment in this new year. Check out this article to learn more! Read More

10 Tips for Implementing the New CASAS Tests
If you're in the middle of transitioning to the newest approved tests, you might be feeling like this grumpy cat. You felt the old tests were tired and worn out, but now you realize there are changes that may need to be made as you implement the new tests. Take a deep breath and look at the test tips below as you wade through the changes. Read More

It’s Time for Spring Training!
The temperatures are warming up and the snow is melting. Spring is just around the corner (we hope!), so it must be time for spring training! The assessment training team has a couple of CASAS trainings scheduled to help your staff update their training. Read More

Changes Are Coming to the USCIS Test for Naturalization (“The Citizenship Test”)
USCIS (US Citizenship and Immigration Services) is proposing two significant changes to the Citizenship Test. Find out what they are and how they will directly impact Citizenship classes and the students they serve. Read More

Introducing STEPS and GOALS 2
Reading STEPS? Listening STEPS? Math GOALS 2? It's an ACRONYM Party! There are three new tests that have been added to the Minnesota ABE (Adult Basic Education) Assessment Policy and can now be used for the purposes of NRS reporting. Read More

Newly Approved Tests! Now What?
Did you get the notice from CASAS about the newly approved tests? Are you ready to place your order? SLOW DOWN and read this article carefully! There are some important steps that need to be taken prior to programs being given the go-ahead to use the new tests for official NRS reporting purposes. Read More

2022 ABE Support Staff Conference Registration Now Open
Please join us again this year for an online Support Services Conference, as we learn from the past, live in the present, and plan for the future. We’ll reflect on where we’ve been and use those lessons to focus on building a better future. Read More

To HiSET or Not to HiSET? That Is the New Question
A new high school equivalency option is coming to Minnesota Adult Education! Find out the basics about the HiSET, as well as webinars in September and October where you can learn more about what's on the five tests that make up the HiSET: Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts-Reading, and Language Arts-Writing. Read More

Questions! Questions! I Have Testing Questions!
The first question is “What does this dog have to do with CASAS and TABE testing?” That’s an easy one! The dog has absolutely nothing to do with testing, but it’s cute and it got you to stop and take a look at this article! Read on to learn more about assessment training over the next few months. Read More

Getting Started with CASAS eTests
You’ve done all of the required trainings and have installed CASAS eTests and TopsPRO on your computer. You have shiny new eTests in your account. Now what? Please join us virtually on Tuesday, February 8, 1:00-3:00 p.m., for an interactive presentation on getting started with eTests for Minnesota agencies. Read More