Recent Newsletter Articles

New Resources for Teachers of Literacy-Level ESL Students!

New Resources for Teachers of Literacy-Level ESL Students!

Resources for teaching adult English language learners with interrupted formal education who need focused instruction in reading and writing have traditionally been limited in the adult education field. Thankfully there is a new collection of literacy-level resources from the Pathway to Literacy program in Indiana! Read More

Homophones in Isolation for the Adult Learner

Homophones in Isolation for the Adult Learner

Adult learners often wrestle with homophones as texts and conversations are littered with them. Through nine units of shared homophone lessons, teachers control the pace, and the objective is intentionality because homophones are here (hear), there (their/they’re), and everywhere (wear)! Read More

Attention ESL Teachers: a Fall 2024 Conference for YOU!

Attention ESL Teachers: a Fall 2024 Conference for YOU!

Do you teach adult English learners? The MELEd (Minnesota English Learner Education) conference is the state's premiere professional gathering for anyone who works with English language learners This year, MELEd will be held at the St. Paul RiverCentre on November 22-23, 2024. Consider presenting; proposals are due June 30, 2024! Read More

Mastering English Conversations: Practical Dialogues for Adult Learners

Mastering English Conversations: Practical Dialogues for Adult Learners

Teaching conversation skills to EL adults can prove successful through fostering communication skills with interactive dialogue practice, cultural nuances exploration, and targeted language acquisition strategies. Read More

Embedded Teaching: Application in a Science Lesson (Part 2)

Embedded Teaching: Application in a Science Lesson (Part 2)

This article, which wraps up a 2-part series, provides examples of Embedded Teaching activities in a lesson developed by Nature for New Minnesotans to introduce the concepts of weather and climate to adult English language learners. Read More

Attention Teachers of Low-Literacy Adult ESL Students!

Attention Teachers of Low-Literacy Adult ESL Students!

Do you teach ESL to adult students with little or no literacy in their primary languages? At ATLAS, we are planning to do focused professional development (PD) in the coming year for teachers like you, and we would like some input on what instructors in your context could really use to make your teaching life easier. Read More

CONGRATULATIONS to MinneTESOL Award Winners Andrea Echelberger and #IamABE!

CONGRATULATIONS to MinneTESOL Award Winners Andrea Echelberger and #IamABE!

Congratulations to Andrea Echelberger and #IamABE! At the MinneTESOL gathering this year, the state’s professional organization for English education from preschool through university learners, two prestigious awards were presented. This year, both recipients hail from MN Adult Education! Read More

50 Shades of Meaning

50 Shades of Meaning

Explicit vocabulary instruction can often be a neglected vein of ESL instruction. This article provides research-based, user-friendly ideas to grow students beyond a surface level knowledge of words to deeper vocabulary comprehension and usage. Read More

Attention ESL Teachers! Scholarships Available for 2023 MELEd Conference!

Attention ESL Teachers! Scholarships Available for 2023 MELEd Conference!

Do you teach adults whose first language is not English? Interested in connecting with others who work with immigrants and refugees, across all ages of learners and contexts for ESL? ATLAS is again providing scholarships for MN adult educators to attend the state ESL conference (MELEd) in St. Paul this November! Read More

Three Great Pronunciation Video Resources for Teachers and Students

Three Great Pronunciation Video Resources for Teachers and Students

The pronunciation section of the ESL Resource Library has great resources for helping teachers to develop their instructional skills, as well as ones for learners to access independently outside of the classroom. Here are three video resources to dig into right away. Read More