Adult Ed Program Support Resources
MN Adult Ed (ABE) FAQs
ABE Acronyms
Adult Basic Education (ABE) is chock-full of acronyms! There’s one right there! But fear not; we have compiled this list of the most common acronyms that apply to Minnesota Adult Education and/or our learners.
FAQs: ACP, IET and Workplace Literacy
What is an adult career pathway (ACP)? What is Integrated Education & Training (IET)? What is Workplace Literacy? Find answers to these questions here!
FAQs: Adult Ed Model & Delivery System
Where can I find a map of the adult education consortia in MN? How does ABE funding work? Who works at the state ABE office? Learn answers to these and more questions here!
FAQs: Distance Learning
What is distance learning? What is the Teacher Verification Model (TVM), and where can I learn more? Who can I contact with questions about DL policies, platforms, PD and technology? Learn answers to these questions and more here!
FAQs: Introduction to Adult Education Students
Who does MN Adult Education serve? Who is eligible for adult education classes? Why do individuals enroll in adult education classes? What is considered core content in adult education? Learn answers to these and more questions here!
FAQs: Introduction to MN Content Standards for Adult Education
What are the 3 sets of content standards adopted in MN Adult Education (ABE)? What does ACES/TIF stand for? What skills do the CCR standards define? What is the Northstar Digital Literacy Project? Learn answers to these and more questions here!
FAQs: MN Adult Education (ABE) Policy & Accountability
What is WIOA, and what is its purpose? How do we measure success with adult education (ABE) students? What is a measurable skill gain (MSG)? What assessments are approved for adult education? Learn answers to these and more questions here!
FAQs: MN Adult Secondary Credentials
What is a secondary credential? What are the 3 options for earning a secondary credential in MN? What is the Standard Adult High School Diploma? Learn answers to these and more questions here!
FAQs: Professional Development Resources
What are the ABE support network providers, and what is the network’s purpose? What is the MN ABE Connect Newsletter, and how do I sign up? Where can I find a list of all MN Adult Education PD activities? Learn answers to these and more questions here!
FAQs: Volunteers
What role do volunteers play in adult education? What benefits could volunteers have on my adult education programming? Learn answers to these questions and more here!