
Recent Newsletter Articles

Workforce Brief: Adult Career Pathways

This is one of three innovative programming briefs created in collaboration with the Minnesota Association of Workforce Boards (MAWB), covering important workforce-oriented topics that are viewed as best practices for adult learners. The Adult Career Pathways brief includes a summary of what the practice includes, outlines their impact and benefit for adult learners, and spotlights a successful ABE program in the state leading these efforts. Read More

Problematizing Linguistic Integration of Migrants: The Role of Translanguaging and Language Teachers

In this article, Ofelia García defines translanguaging, gives a fascinating example of an adult language classroom, and redefines traditional teacher roles into 4 new roles: the detective, the co-learner, the builder, and the transformer. She gives us real examples to reflect on and to try in our classrooms. Read More

Culturally Responsive Teaching Examples

In response to a question in the ATLAS Antiracist Praxis Study Circle, this document was made as a companion to Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain by Zaretta Hammond. Even if you haven’t read the book, hopefully you can still follow along the list to see some examples of Culturally Responsive Teaching in action. Read More

Lifeworks Disability Inclusion Resources

The mission of Lifeworks is to partner with people with disabilities to drive change by increasing opportunity and access in the community. On their website, Lifeworks offers "on-demand, educational resources... that explore and support disability rights, allyship, and building a sense of belonging for all – that we hope help you to activate change in your everyday lives." (Source: Read More

What Does the WIOA State Plan Mean to You?

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) State Plan is a required component of federal law for every state. This article explains its purpose and relevance to ABE practitioners. Read More

Teaching Skills that Matter Civics Education

The Teaching the Skills That Matter in Adult Education project (TSTM) trains teachers to integrate the skills that matter to adult students using approaches that work across critical topics. This page houses resources specifically related to Civics Education, including an overall Issue Brief, a case study, several lesson plans, an annotated resource and reference list, and a classroom video. Read More

FAQs: MN Adult Education (ABE) Policy & Accountability

What is WIOA, and what is its purpose? How do we measure success with adult education (ABE) students? What is a measurable skill gain (MSG)? What assessments are approved for adult education? Learn answers to these and more questions here! Read More

FAQs: Introduction to MN Content Standards for Adult Education

What are the 3 sets of content standards adopted in MN Adult Education (ABE)? What does ACES/TIF stand for? What skills do the CCR standards define? What is the Northstar Digital Literacy Project? Learn answers to these and more questions here! Read More

FAQs: Introduction to Adult Education Students

Who does MN Adult Education serve? Who is eligible for adult education classes? Why do individuals enroll in adult education classes? What is considered core content in adult education? Learn answers to these and more questions here! Read More

Science News for Students

Science News for Students publishes stories about recent research and current events across the full breadth of STEM fields. Power Words are defined at the end of each article. Read More