
Recent Newsletter Articles

Teaching Grammar in Context Using Authentic Resources

This blog post unpacks the "why" and "how" of using authentic texts to teach grammar to learners, providing a variety of teaching approaches for readers to choose from, as well as real-life examples. Read More

Differentiated Instruction from TEAL

This excerpt from the TEAL Just Write! Guide unpacks differentiated instruction in the ABE classroom and provides examples of how it can be used to support learning, particularly writing instruction. Read to the end to find their Differentiated Instruction Fact Sheet! Read More

Levels of Knowing Mathematics

This resource outlines the levels of knowing math proposed by Mahesh C. Sharma: intuitive, concrete/experiential, pictorial/representational, abstract, applications, and communication. The chart explains each level and gives an example of what that level would look like in the classroom. Read More

Integrated Education & Training Design Toolkit

The Integrated Education and Training (IET) Toolkit was developed to assist state and local adult education staff to plan, design, implement, and evaluate effective IET programs that are responsive to state and local labor market demands and fulfill the requirements of WIOA. The IET Design Toolkit guides users through a team-based approach to developing customized IET solutions that address the needs of adult learners and local businesses through four iterative phases: Research and Assess, Design and Plan, Develop and Implement, and Evaluate and Improve. Read More

ABE Acronyms

Adult Basic Education (ABE) is chock-full of acronyms! There’s one right there! But fear not; we have compiled this list of the most common acronyms that apply to Minnesota Adult Education and/or our learners. Read More

Refugees in America

This is the official United Nations High Commission for Refugees website, which can serve as a primer for ABE educators who work with refugees to understand who refugees are, where they come from, and relevant statistics and facts about refugees. Read More

Best Practices for Serving LGBTQ Students

This is a guide for educators on how to work towards creating a more LGBTQ-inclusive school environment. This guide includes four key areas: policy checkup, classroom culture, instruction, and family and community engagement. Read More

Reppin’ the Rainbow: LGBTQIA+ Topics in ABE

ABE professionals can use this presentation to better understand and discuss topics around gender and sexuality in the classroom. Included are materials, discussion questions, resources and research. Scroll down to the second topic listed on the website to find these resources. Read More

CCRS for Adult Education

The College & Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education (CCRS) is the document that lays out the standards for English Language Arts/Literacy, Math, and Foundational Reading Skills. CCRS is one of the three components - along with the Transitions Integration Framework (TIF) and the Northstar Digital Literacy Standards - of the Minnesota ABE content standards. Read More

Creating Questions to Engage Critically with Texts

The strategy described in this article provides tools to create questions that help students engage critically with central texts and examine them for issues of power and social inequity. The activities suggested here also encourage readers to bring their knowledge and experiences to the reading of a text. Read More