
Recent Newsletter Articles

COVID-19 Rapid Response Report from the Field – ProLiteracy

From the ProLiteracy website: "The report includes information gathered and compiled by members of the E-BAES Taskforce and EdTech Center staff that describes adult education’s response to the pandemic. Findings are intended to inform the field and offer useful suggestions from which adult education and literacy practitioners can benefit." Read More

Informing Writing: The Benefits of Formative Assessment

This publication focuses on the effectiveness of formative writing (teacher feedback, student assessment, and ongoing monitoring) and offers best practices for assessment (allow paper/pencil or word processing, mask student names when scoring, and use multiple samples). Like "Writing Next" and "Writing to Read" - both available in this resource library - it is a meta-analysis of large-scale research studies. Read More

Work Readiness and Work-Contextualized Curriculum

A compilation of various resources with hyperlinks to websites for work readiness curricula; work-contextualized English and basic skills curricula; and guidance in creating authentic, contextualized or embedded materials. (15 pages) Read More

Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE) Report

This report includes available data from the first two IELCE program years (2016–17 and 2017–18) through the National Reporting System for Adult Education (NRS), and sets forth activities of IELCE programs related to funding, enrollment, program design and promising practices. (5 pages) Read More

WIOA Titles I and II Mythbuster: WIOA Youth Program and Adult Education Can Be Used Together to Serve Disconnected Youth

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act’s (WIOA) Youth Formula Program (Title I) and the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA, Title II) prepare young adults for success in the 21st Century workforce.  This straightforward fact sheet explains how the two programs complement each other, share the same performance indicators, and can be leveraged to support successful career pathway programming. Read More

Integrated Education & Training (IET): Building Career Pathways for Participants at Every Skill Level

This guidance document provides a clear definition of IET in graphic form, its three main components, how those components are aligned with standards, and approaches to IET funding and promotion.  Seven diverse examples are clearly laid out, followed by a template that can be used by your own program to delineate all aspects of your IET.  Read More

Ideas for Providing Distance STAR Instruction

This March 2020 document provided early ideas from STAR trainers across the country for implementing distance STAR instruction. Not all may be appropriate or reasonable for your ABE program; however, they were intended to inspire creative thinking about how to "carry on" with evidence-based reading instruction (EBRI) during the pandemic and school closings. Read More

Integrated Education & Training: Planning from A to Z

Slides provide a brief overview of the planning and implementation process for an IET; strategies for building partnerships to successfully deliver an IET; and several helpful tools for developing IET components. The resource list includes useful materials on the WIOA definition of IET; contextualized education; career pathways; IET general information; and example IET programs from eight states. Read More

National Coalition for Literacy: The 2020 Census

The National Coalition for Literacy’s 2020 Census website maintains a repository of Census-related information and links to resources for use by adult education teachers, program administrators, and other ABE practitioners. Resources range from Census overview guides and information about Census jobs to a regularly updated collection of Census-focused lessons, webinars on key Census topics, and conference presentations on the importance of the Census for adult education. Read More

Emergent Readers

This website contains instructions for scaffolding reading texts and speaking activities for literacy level learners, resource lists, and videos of literacy level classroom instruction. Read More