
MN ABE Connect / Archive / ACES/Transitions

Recent Newsletter Articles

A New Resource to Help Learners Develop Their Future Pathways

A New Resource to Help Learners Develop Their Future Pathways

Do you struggle to find materials that support career exploration? A new website will help both your ESL and ABE learners explore the in- demand field of health care while also building core reading and writing skills. Read More

Using ACES/TIF to Foster a Growth Mindset

Using ACES/TIF to Foster a Growth Mindset

It's a new year and the perfect time to see a new purpose for using ACES/TIF with your learners. In this article, ACES Coordinator Stephanie Sommers discusses how ACES/TIF can be used to develop a growth mindset with your learners. Read More

Career Connections

Career Connections

Career Connections, part of the PBS Learning Media website, is an amazing collection of 100 videos in which “Young professionals tell us about their jobs and take us behind the scenes to show us what they do every day.” Read More

Learn about LINCS!

Learn about LINCS!

The Literacy Information and Communication System (LINCS) offers freely available courses, resources, and community for adult educators. Check out this powerful resource! Read More

Using Video to Develop Effective Communication Skills

Using Video to Develop Effective Communication Skills

If you practice listening and speaking skills with your students, check out the Film English website - a resource that combines funny, poignant, powerful video clips with ready-to-use ESL lessons to support language teaching. Read More

Boosting Critical Thinking Skills with the New York Times Learning Network

Help your students develop the essential critical thinking skills that they need, such as analyzing and synthesizing information, with a very timely resource: the New York Times Learning Network! Read More

Minneapolis Institute of Art Introduces ESL Tours

We tend to focus on practical, survivalist content in our ESL classes.... [A]rt can seem superfluous, but in truth art is a text that learners can do a close reading of. On art tours we use visual thinking strategies, engage participants in effective communication and critical thinking, and welcome them into our community. Read More

Managing Stress to Improve Learning: A Self-Management Resource

Managing Stress to Improve Learning: A Self-Management Resource

Some of the biggest obstacles that our adult learners face are often not academic, but social and emotional in nature. The Managing Stress to Improve Learning project has an array of resources to help teachers create safe, stable classrooms and promote positive mental health and stress reduction techniques. Read More

How to Better Navigate Systems by Asking the Right Question

How to Better Navigate Systems by Asking the Right Question

Do you ever get the feeling that your students might be able to get more useful answers if they were asking better questions? Check out the newest addition to the Navigating Systems section of the ACES Resource Library to discover where asking the right question can take you. Read More

LearningExpress Library and ACES

LearningExpress Library provides users with a comprehensive array of tools for reaching academic and career goals. Be sure to check out this new Self-Management skill builder in the ACES Resource Library. Read More