Recent Newsletter Articles

50 Shades of Meaning
Explicit vocabulary instruction can often be a neglected vein of ESL instruction. This article provides research-based, user-friendly ideas to grow students beyond a surface level knowledge of words to deeper vocabulary comprehension and usage. Read More

Attention ESL Teachers! Scholarships Available for 2023 MELEd Conference!
Do you teach adults whose first language is not English? Interested in connecting with others who work with immigrants and refugees, across all ages of learners and contexts for ESL? ATLAS is again providing scholarships for MN adult educators to attend the state ESL conference (MELEd) in St. Paul this November! Read More

Three Great Pronunciation Video Resources for Teachers and Students
The pronunciation section of the ESL Resource Library has great resources for helping teachers to develop their instructional skills, as well as ones for learners to access independently outside of the classroom. Here are three video resources to dig into right away. Read More

The Multilingual Link
With much supportive research, students and their teachers are encouraged to honor and harness their students’ first languages as it helps their English language acquisition, their acculturation, and their connection with their own families and children. Read More

EdReady Personalizes and Improves Students’ Math and English Mastery
EdReady, a free tool available to Minnesota adult educators, personalizes and improves students' math and English mastery. Find out more, and join us for an EdReady webinar on May 11, 1:30-2:30 CST to learn more about the student experience and understand the details in the reports. Read More

Attention ESL Teachers: a Fall 2023 Conference for YOU!
Do you teach adult English learners? The MELEd (Minnesota English Learner Education) conference is the state's premiere professional gathering for anyone who works with English language learners This year, MELEd will be held *in person* at the St. Paul RiverCentre on November 17-18, 2023. Consider presenting; proposals are due June 21, 2023! Read More

Teaching the Whys and Hows of Emergency Funds
Everyone experiences emergencies, typically about once a year or so. Yet many of us continue to be surprised when emergencies crop up. Any emergency is a lot less painful if it isn’t made worse by unnecessary financial stress. Teaching about emergency funds is a great way to open up conversations about money and financial literacy. Read More

CILIA-T Curriculum Project: Developing Our Digital Skills Roadmap
How can adult educators of ELLs incorporate digital skill-building into instruction, while keeping it content-rich, targeted toward language learning, and aligned to standards? The CILIA-T project team takes you through their decision-making process on how to integrate digital learning throughout their free, civics-focused curriculum for English language learners (a work in progress!). Read More

Four Fun ESL Websites for Classroom Instruction
ESL teachers are always on the lookout for great websites that they can use with their class. Here are some favorites from classroom teachers that cover different language modalities and can be used in the classroom to mix instruction up! Read More

Attention ESL Teachers: a Fall Conference for YOU!
Do you teach adults whose first language is not English? Interested in connecting with others who work with immigrants and refugees, across all ages of learners and contexts for ESL? ATLAS is providing scholarships to attend the state ESL conference (MELEd), live and in-person under strict COVID precautions, at the St. Paul RiverCentre on November 18-19, 2022! Read More