Teaching Strategies

MN ABE Connect / Archive / Teaching Strategies

Recent Newsletter Articles

How to Be in Two Places at Once

A helpful way to think of tasks for a classroom volunteer is to start with saying, “If I had more time, I’d really like to…” Here are few ways that some ABE teachers have worked with volunteers to help them “be in two places at once.” Read More

MNIs at COABE 2014

ATLAS was very pleased to provide financial support to several MNI alumni who presented at the COABE (Commission on Adult Basic Education) Conference. Hear from three of these practitioners as the describe key learnings from the conference that you can apply to your own practice. Read More

The Power of Volunteers to Solve Classroom Challenges

The Power of Volunteers to Solve Classroom Challenges

Could volunteers help you solve some of your classroom challenges? Ask yourself, “What’s not working as smoothly as I’d like it to?” “How could I serve my students better?” What would I like to be able to do that I am not currently doing?” After identifying your challenges, consider how volunteers could be part of the solution. Read More

Tutor Tips Blog: Not Just for Tutors

Looking for some inspirational teaching ideas? The Tutor Tips Blog by the Minnesota Literacy Council regularly shares activity ideas and teaching techniques for ABE practitioners. It is easy (and free!) to subscribe. Read More