Funds Available for HSE Study Materials for Women

Funds Available for HSE Study Materials for Women

The Rising Hope Fund (RHF) was founded by P.E.O. in 2022 to assist women with covering the cost of their initial GED/HiSET exams and to help pay for exam-specific study materials. Since the cost of the GED/HiSET exams are momentarily covered by the State of Minnesota (note: this fund is limited to three years or until all funds have been exhausted), the RHF can partner with HSE instructors to help women purchase exam-specific study materials. This opportunity is an award intended to support women making the effort to obtain a high school equivalency.

The RHF application can be found at or by clicking the link at the bottom of this article. Instructors can guide students through completing the application. An instructor’s signature is required for the application to be considered. The RHF committee relies on the Adult Education instructor to qualify the student for assistance. The committee will work through the instructor if there are questions or if additional information is needed.

The RHF committee meets monthly to approve applications. Once approved, the study materials are purchased by the committee and shipped directly to the student’s address. The materials then become the property of the student to be written in, highlighted and used as needed to prepare for each exam. After completing her exam(s) the student may want to pass along the materials to their instructor or another student for further use.


About P.E.O. and the Minnesota Rising Hope Fund

The P.E.O. Minnesota Rising Hope Fund is one project available through P.E.O., a philanthropic organization in which women celebrate the advancement of women; educate women through scholarships, grants, awards, loans, and stewardship of Cottey College; and motivate women to achieve their highest aspirations. If you are interested in learning more about P.E.O. go to If you are interested in learning more about the Minnesota Rising Hope Fund, check out P.E.O. Projects webpage or send an email to [email protected].

Rising Hope Fund Committee MN PEO Rising Hope Fund