Suicide Prevention for Adult Educators

Suicide Prevention for Adult Educators

Suicide is the 9th leading cause of all deaths in Minnesota. Preventing suicide is an important skill to develop. Are you aware of a free online course titled, “Suicide Prevention for Adult Educators”? This training is intended to address the re-licensure area of Suicide Prevention Best Practices and offers 1.5 CEUs.

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

The course was developed and is facilitated by Wendy Sweeney, MA, Licensed Psychologist and PANDA Manager, in collaboration with the Minnesota Literacy Council.  The course will help teachers and tutors learn about suicide and prevention, prevalence, causes, risk factors and warning signs of suicide.  Master a suicide prevention method and practice role playing how to approach students who show signs of suicidal thinking.  Prevention is key!  Gain knowledge about ways to promote hope, problem solving and resiliency in the classroom.

Course objectives:

  • Understand the prevalence of suicide
  • Learn about causes, risk factors and warning signs
  • Practice role playing a suicide prevention method
  • Brainstorm proactive suicide prevention measures

Quotes from participants:

“Loved the course.  It was clear and well written.” 

“The most useful part was the general statistics about suicide as well as the cultural information and all the resources.” 

“The handouts were super useful, and I will keep them on file.  The videos were thought provoking.”

To take the course, go to Literacy Minnesota online courses at and click on “Suicide Prevention for Adult Educators.”

For more information

Check out PANDA’s disability website if you want to learn more about mental health at

Wendy Sweeney, PANDA Manager PANDA - Minnesota ABE Disability Specialists