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- Support Staff Conference Call for Proposals

Support Staff Conference Call for Proposals
Marty Olsen, CoordinatorSPARC (Support Professionals Advisory Resource Committee) is now seeking presentation proposals for the 2018 ABE Support Services Conference, which will be held November 7 and 8 at the Minnesota Department of Education, Roseville, MN. We hope that new and experienced ABE support staff will consider sharing their ideas and expertise with their colleagues at this statewide conference.
2019 ABE Support Services Conference Overview
- The conference will be Thursday, November 7 and Friday, November 8, 2019.
- All concurrent sessions will be on Friday, November 8, 2019.
- Concurrent sessions will be 85 minutes long. Presenters will need to give participants 5-10 minutes during or at the end of the session to complete an action plan to document lessons learned and identify next steps to apply what they learned.
- Rooms will have an LCD projector, screen, flip chart and markers. Presenters will be responsible for bringing a laptop or any additional materials.
Conference Location
- Minnesota Department of Education (1500 Commerce St., Roseville, MN 55113)
- Conference Center B (Entrance located behind Target, next to National American University)
Priority Topics
Proposals on all topics are encouraged, but we’re especially trying to address the following topics, which align with the new ABE Support Professionals Certificate:
- Technology:
- SiD Database Management
- Email Communication
- Technology Tools: Software and/or Equipment
- Customer Service:
- Cultural Awareness & Understanding ABE Populations
- Effective Client Communication
- Conflict Resolution
- Effective Work Culture:
- Time & Task Management
- Professionalism & Communication
- Understanding Self & Others
Your colleagues would love to hear what you’re doing in your programs and classrooms to address these areas!
Complete the concurrent session proposal form and email your form, along with any potential questions to: Heather Williams at [email protected]
Session proposals are due Monday, September 9, 2018!
You will be notified by October 8, 2019 whether your proposal has been accepted.
For more information about SPARC and the Support Services Conference, check the assessment training website at https://www.mnabeassessment.com/support-services-conference.

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