MN ABE Connect Archive

Recent Newsletter Articles

Attention Teachers of Low-Literacy Adult ESL Students!

Attention Teachers of Low-Literacy Adult ESL Students!

Do you teach ESL to adult students with little or no literacy in their primary languages? At ATLAS, we are planning to do focused professional development (PD) in the coming year for teachers like you, and we would like some input on what instructors in your context could really use to make your teaching life easier. Read More

Embedded Teaching: A Socio-Cultural Approach to Language Learning Through Science

Embedded Teaching: A Socio-Cultural Approach to Language Learning Through Science

This article introduces the concept of embedded teaching and argues for its use in ABE classrooms focused on building language and science knowledge. This is part one of a two-part series of articles that highlight the Nature for New Minnesotans program. Read More

PANDA Courses Now On Canvas!

PANDA Courses Now On Canvas!

PANDA’s free courses are now available on the online Canvas platform. We’re excited to have you experience our classes on this new, easy-to-use format! Read on for a description of our courses and how to access them on Canvas. Read More

Teaching Numeracy to Adults

Teaching Numeracy to Adults

Don't miss the upcoming Teaching Numeracy to Adults cohort! As previous participants have said, “This cohort really taught me the importance of going beyond just teaching a skill.” "[T]his course teaches more than just math; [it] teaches numeracy. How we use numeracy in our lives and how it impacts all of us…this course teaches strategies and concepts that make math way less scary." Read More

Empowering New Americans in Healthcare: The International Institute of Minnesota’s Medical Career Navigation

Empowering New Americans in Healthcare: The International Institute of Minnesota’s Medical Career Navigation

The healthcare industry remains a cornerstone of society; however, for many immigrants and refugees arriving in the United States, accessing and navigating the complex landscape of healthcare careers can be daunting. The International Institute of Minnesota (IIMN) has tailored the Medical Career Pathway to specifically meet the unique needs of these individuals. Read More

Northstar Adds New Features, Resources, and Spanish Translations

Northstar Adds New Features, Resources, and Spanish Translations

Proactively meeting learner needs for digital literacy skills continues to become ever more central to our work as educators, given the continued expansion of the online world into every facet of life. Northstar Digital Literacy continues to innovate and develop new features to assist teachers and students. Read More

Teaching Writing Skills Through Gratitude

Teaching Writing Skills Through Gratitude

Studies have shown that feeling thankful can improve sleep, mood and immunity and that gratitude can decrease stress and anxiety. Gratitude journals are a great way to give students frequent writing practice with mental wellness benefits. Read More

Request Training for Volunteers in Your Program

Request Training for Volunteers in Your Program

Did you know that Literacy Minnesota offers by-request training that can be catered to the topic, format and schedule of your volunteers? It’s true! This can be a great way to check off that ongoing 2-hour annual training requirement in one fell swoop and build community among the volunteers in your program. Read More

CCRS Foundations and ABE Foundations on Canvas: New and Improved!

CCRS Foundations and ABE Foundations on Canvas: New and Improved!

Join us online for CCRS Foundations and ABE Foundations in the new Canvas platform. Check out new and revised content, more opportunities for interaction, and the most updated information on teaching with the CCRS and working in our amazing MN Adult Education system! Read More

CONGRATULATIONS to MinneTESOL Award Winners Andrea Echelberger and #IamABE!

CONGRATULATIONS to MinneTESOL Award Winners Andrea Echelberger and #IamABE!

Congratulations to Andrea Echelberger and #IamABE! At the MinneTESOL gathering this year, the state’s professional organization for English education from preschool through university learners, two prestigious awards were presented. This year, both recipients hail from MN Adult Education! Read More