Equity-Related PD Opportunities this Summer!

Equity-Related PD Opportunities this Summer!

As you finish up the school year, keep in mind two opportunities this summer to dive more deeply into topics related to equity!

Minnesota Educational Equity Edcamp

The first opportunity is the Minnesota Educational Equity Edcamp which will take place on Thursday, July 25 at Hamline University. This is a free event that is K-12 focused but has had a small but mighty ABE contingent of attendees in the last two years. The edcamp is a unique model of PD for educators (to learn more about how it works you can watch this this quick video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7DwCI7j0Bg).

The Minnesota Educational Equity Edcamp is described this way: “The work of educational equity is a constant, critical, and generative struggle, and it belongs to all of us. As educators, we need to be champions for students and families of color, challenge systemic educational disparities, and work to dismantle existing systems of oppression and build new, equitable systems and pedagogies in their place. Gather with other educators for a day of conversation, sharing, and action advancing the work of educational equity in Minnesota. Make a connection, make a plan, make a difference. Join us.”

Registration for the Minnesota Education Equity Edcamp can be found here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/minnesota-educational-equity-edcamp-2019-registration-60772350737

ABE Summer Institute – Diversity and Equity strand

Another important opportunity is the Diversity and Equity strand at our ABE Summer Institute on August 14-16. The Diversity and Equity strand has grown to 10 sessions this year, including the following presentations:

  • Racial Equity 101: An Introduction to White Privilege and Racism
  • Racial Equity 102: Responding to Instances of Racism using Practice Scenarios
  • Critical Literacy – Implications for Selecting and Using Texts in ABE Classrooms
  • Reppin’ the Rainbow: LGBTQIA+ Topics in ABE
  • Decoding Communication Differences
  • Toward a More Culturally Inclusive Classroom: Real Change Takes More than Good Intentions
  • Fostering Community and Inclusion in the ABE Classroom by Using Gender Identity Pronouns
  • Diversifying ABE Volunteers
  • Neurodiversity: What you may not know you don’t know, and how knowing more can help as a teacher and manager
  • ABE Programs as Spaces for Liberation and Social Change
We anticipate some important and challenging conversations on these topics at Summer Institute – and welcome everyone in our field to participate!
Jodi Versaw, ABE Program Quality Specialist Minnesota Department of Education