
Recent Newsletter Articles

Practicing Speaking & Listening Skills in English in the Workplace: High-Beginning / Low-Intermediate Level

Develops skills and confidence in English speaking and listening, to improve communication in the current workplace.  Topics include time, giving and receiving instructions, asking for clarification, calling in late or sick, safety, and small talk.  Course was designed for and delivered at BIX Produce Co. || AUTHOR: Mary Ellen Kavanaugh, MORE St. Paul Read More

National Coalition for Literacy: The 2020 Census

The National Coalition for Literacy’s 2020 Census website maintains a repository of Census-related information and links to resources for use by adult education teachers, program administrators, and other ABE practitioners. Resources range from Census overview guides and information about Census jobs to a regularly updated collection of Census-focused lessons, webinars on key Census topics, and conference presentations on the importance of the Census for adult education. Read More

Numeracy Units: Beginning Level

The Hubbs Center has created a series of Beginning Level Numeracy Units based on real-life applications such as consumerism, temperature, time, health, and work. Find lessons and handouts (in Dropbox folders) under the Numeracy Units link on the main webpage. Read More

Immigrant Story Curriculum for English Language Learners

Immigrant Stories is a digital storytelling and archiving project. This curriculum will allow students to create a 3-5 minute digital story about a personal experience using the Immigrant Stories website ( The curriculum includes everything you need to assign the project: a 4-week schedule, lesson plans, a grading rubric, and student handouts. Read More

Immigrant Story Curriculum for English Language Learners

Immigrant Stories is a digital storytelling and archiving project. This curriculum will allow students to create a 3-5 minute digital story about a personal experience using the Immigrant Stories website ( The curriculum includes everything you need to assign the project: a 4-week schedule, lesson plans, a grading rubric, and student handouts. Read More

NYSED/CUNY CareerKits for HSE and ESL Learners

Not a course, but a resource for use in career pathway courses.  Its goal is to equip students with the skills necessary to make informed choices about their career paths.  Each CareerKit activity fulfills a dual purpose – the acquisition of career information and the development of language, literacy and numeracy skills that support achievement on standardized tests.  Units common across all CareerKits: Analyzing the labor market, Knowing myself, Getting prepared (education and experience), In their own voices (workers’ narratives), Technology and society, Choosing a career/finding a job, and Parenting is a job too. || AUTHOR: CUNY Adult Literacy/HSE/ESL Program Read More

Teaching Immigration with the Immigrant Stories Project

Teaching Immigration with the Immigrant Stories Project contains lessons for grades 8 to adult audiences that help students learn about aspects of United States immigration, past and present, through the personal experiences of immigrants and refugees. The lessons highlight digital stories from the Immigrant Stories collection: brief, original videos made by immigrants and refugees. Read More


iCivics is a free, non-partisan, one-stop website for all topics related to civic knowledge.  It includes curriculum units and downloadable lesson plans for government-related topics such as the Constitution, the three branches, and civil rights. Other units focus on citizenship, core literacy skills, and persuasive writing. The lessons are written for middle to high school leveled students. iCivics also offers a variety of online educational games that emphasize social studies skills and topics. Read More

Introduction to Child Development

Introduces students to the field of early childhood education and childcare. Students learn about different early childhood settings: centers, schools and family. They learn how to interact with children 0-5 years old and their parents. Major topics include developmental milestones, discipline, nutrition, safety and literacy. Introduces vocabulary, concepts and skills used in early childhood education. Class activities include creating and implementing hands-on activities. Also builds students’ reading, writing, math, and computer skills. || AUTHOR: Laura Rutmanis and Laura Kindig Temali, St. Paul ABE Read More

Practicing Reading & Writing Skills in English in the Workplace: High-Intermediate / Advanced Level

Develops skills and confidence in English reading and writing required in the learners’ current workplace. Reading comprehension focuses on charts, memos, and safety signs. Grammar practice includes prepositions, plurals and word order. Writing instruction builds skills in writing 5-sentence paragraphs and if-then statements. || AUTHOR: Mary Ellen Kavanaugh, MORE St. Paul Read More