
Recent Newsletter Articles

Engaging Employers – Setting SMART Goals and Action Steps

This template, useful in any adult career pathways (ACP) program development work, guides a step-by-step process to define a goal appropriate for one’s own context for engaging employers in an ACP in new ways. Read More

Employer Engagement Toolkit: From Placement to Partners

Use the entire toolkit as a package or select individual exercises, checklists, planning guides, or resources that are most relevant to you. Includes an assessment of current employer relationships; provides strategies for new employer outreach; and provides tools that connect employers directly to your ACP program. Read More

Employability Measures Chart

A useful one-page chart that assists a case manager or ABE staff person to assess a participant’s employability based on eleven factors – transportation, education, stability of housing, and more. Read More

Career Pathways Toolkit: Element Two – Identify Industry Sectors and Engage Employers

Element Two of the Toolkit provides useful guidance and tools to identify industry sectors; conduct labor market analysis; clarify role of employers in program development and operations; and sustain and expand business partnerships. Read More

Career Pathways Toolkit: Element Three – Design Education and Training Programs

Element Three of the Toolkit provides useful guidance and tools to identify target populations, choose recruitment strategies, provide flexible delivery models, and more. Read More

Career Pathways Toolkit: Element Three – Design Education & Training Programs

Element Three of the Toolkit provides useful guidance and tools to ensure that career pathway courses promote the competencies required in the target career; utilize accelerated, contextualized learning strategies; provide flexible delivery methods; and integrate comprehensive support services. Read More

Career Pathways Toolkit: Element One – Build Cross-Agency Partnerships and Clarify Roles

Element One of the Toolkit provides useful guidance and tools to engage cross-agency partners and employers; establish a shared vision, mission, goals and strategies; define the roles and responsibilities of all partners; and develop a work plan and/or memorandum or understanding for the partnership. Read More

Career Pathways Toolkit: An Enhanced Guide and Workbook for System Development

Organized around six key elements of career pathways, each section includes resources and writable worksheets to help state and local ACP teams with implementation.  (Downloadable PDF available online) Read More

Building Strong Enrollments – Guidelines & Examples plus Worksheet

A 7-step process that guides ABE programs and their partners to go beyond existing student populations and generic program flyers to instead be focused and strategic in building enrollments for adult career pathway programs. Read More

Adult Career Pathways Curriculum Review Rubric

The rubric can be used by an ABE program to review/evaluate its own adult career pathways (ACP) course curricula and/or to review ACP curricula from other sources for potential use. It also provides a useful guideline for best practices in ACP course curriculum design. Read More