
MN ABE Connect / Archive / ACES/Transitions

Recent Newsletter Articles

Build Self-Management Skills with Schoology

Schoology is the newest resource to be added to the ACES Resource Library. Keep reading to learn how you can use this free Learning Management System to teach your students self-management skills. Read More

Addressing the Critical Need for Critical Thinking Skills

Addressing the Critical Need for Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking emerged as an area for which many ABE teachers would like more instructional resources. As a result, a new resource has been added to the Critical Thinking section of the ACES Resource Library. Read on to discover how you can start using it in your classroom today. Read More

Lesson Plans for Career Exploration: How to Get Started Now

The Pathways to Careers Network provides easy-to-follow lesson plans for conducting career exploration activities in your ABE and ESL classroom. Read More

Using Podcasts to Teach Learning Strategies

English as a Second Language podcast is a great tool to add to your students' independent learner toolkit. Read More

ACES Video Companion Guides

ACES Video Companion Guides

The TIF-Lens videos on the ATLAS website now have video companion guides. Use them at your next staff meeting to keep the conversation going about ACES and the TIF (Transitions Integration Framework). Read More

Work Readiness Curriculum for Low-Level ESL

Work Readiness Curriculum for Low-Level ESL

There is a wonderful new Work Readiness Curriculum that was designed with your low-level ESL students in mind. Start using this resource today to build important work readiness and transitions skills from the beginning. Read More

Skills to Pay the Bills

Skills to Pay the Bills

Learn about a valuable resource for teaching "soft" skills that should be of interest to ABE teachers looking to help their students build up the skills from the Navigating Systems category of the Transitions Integration Framework (TIF). Read More

A Perspective on the Flipped Classroom

A Perspective on the Flipped Classroom

Amy Vickers, MNI Senior Consultant, shares her learnings from the COABE Conference about flipped classrooms, including a surprising take-away that changed her understanding of this pedadogical approach. Read More

Using the TIF to Foster Career Awareness

Using the TIF to Foster Career Awareness

Career awareness involves helping learners to learn about all of the many career and training opportunities that are available and facilitating ways for them to explore and examine their own interests, skills, and abilities. The TIF and ATLAS's ACES resource library are wonderful resources for teachers in this area. Read More