Key Updates from GED Conference, Reaching New Heights

Did you miss the GED Testing Service annual conference, Reaching New Heights? Well, we’ve gathered some of the key updates to share!

Extended Response Tools

New Extended Response tools are now available! The RLA and Social Studies versions include an updated answer guide and more annotated responses, while the Spanish version of the RLA and Social Studies guides include an updated answer guide and Trait 3.

GED Ready® Practice Test

GED Testing Service (GEDTS) responds to why the GED Ready® practice test require adult educators to score the constructed response manually:

“Requiring educators to give students feedback on their constructed responses means educators will take the time to fully understand the new requirements for the constructed responses at a deep level. Understanding the rubrics and process for scoring constructed responses is very important for adult educators — it empowers educators to give valuable feedback to their students and to fine-tune instruction to help students not only pass the GED® test, but prepare them for writing challenges they will face on the job and in postsecondary education” -GEDTS

Mimi Daniel, GED Grant Coordinator Minneapolis Adult Education