MN ABE Connect Archive

Recent Newsletter Articles

Believe It or Not! Information Literacy and Adult Learners: Part 1

Believe It or Not! Information Literacy and Adult Learners: Part 1

"Don't believe everything you read." This reminder is truer today than ever! With this in mind, Adult Basic Education can take the lead by promoting instructional strategies to make ABE students at all levels into more critical readers, listeners, and thinkers in this age of mass information. Read More

Journeys Anthology: Call for Submissions!

Journeys Anthology: Call for Submissions!

Journeys 2022 is now accepting submissions! We encourage you to work with your learners this fall on their Journeys writing submissions and help them complete their entries no later than December 3, 2021. Read More

October 10 – World Mental Health Day

October 10 – World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day was October 10th. With all the changes and uncertainties in our world, it is a good time to review methods to improve mental health. Read More

So How’s It Goin’ Out There? Supporting & Supervising Staff at a Distance

So How’s It Goin’ Out There? Supporting & Supervising Staff at a Distance

“A wild ride.” “Unpredictable.” “A whole new set of rules.” “A test in flexibility.” What question were these webinar participants asked? You guessed it! "How has supervising staff during the pandemic been?!" Here's your chance to get some great ideas for remote supervision from some of the most experienced ABE administrators in the state! Read More

Examining Trends in Students’ Math Knowledge and Skills Gaps with GED Testing Service (GEDTS)

Examining Trends in Students’ Math Knowledge and Skills Gaps with GED Testing Service (GEDTS)

Did you know that since January 2019, approximately 78,000 students have passed 3 of the 4 GED content area tests? Approximately 80% of those students have either not passed or not taken the GED Math test. GED Testing Service is offering a webinar to examine trends in students’ knowledge and skills gaps on the Mathematical Reasoning test. Read More

NEW Hyflex Community of Practice!

NEW Hyflex Community of Practice!

Literacy Minnesota and the Support Services Distance Learning team would like to invite you to join a new HyFlex Community of Practice facilitated by Cathy Grady from Hubbs Center-SPPS and Kirsten Collins from Literacy Minnesota. This group will meet online periodically throughout the school year, and our first meeting is set for October 19 at 2:30. This informal group will be a fun place to share and build on our collective knowledge and experience in this new and growing area. Read More

Support Services Conference 2021: Registration Now Open!

Support Services Conference 2021: Registration Now Open!

We’ve all become “experts” at using Zoom or Google Meet, and masks are common apparel. We didn’t think we would still be in this phase when we planned our first virtual Support Services conference a year ago. But here we are, and we’ve gotten pretty good at this! Please join us one more time for an online Support Services Conference. We'll think about where we’ve been and what we’ve learned, and focus on where we can go in the future. Read More

ABE Foundations at-a-Distance: Fall Webinar Series!

ABE Foundations at-a-Distance: Fall Webinar Series!

This fall, given the inability to hold the in-person ABE Foundations Workshop at Summer Institute, our online ABE Foundations course is a great option for those new to ABE! To add to the online course experience, we are offering a 3-webinar series to support your entry into the field – on October 18, 25, and November 1, 2021. Read More

Attention ESL Teachers! Scholarships Available for 2021 MELEd Conference!

Attention ESL Teachers! Scholarships Available for 2021 MELEd Conference!

Do you teach adults whose first language is not English? Interested in connecting with others who work with immigrants and refugees, across all ages of learners and contexts for ESL? ATLAS is providing scholarships for Minnesota educators to attend the state ESL conference (MELEd) live and in-person under strict COVID precautions, in St. Paul on November 19-20, 2021! Read More

Career Planning with Adult Learners Using MCIS

Career Planning with Adult Learners Using MCIS

The Minnesota Career Information System (MCIS) is a comprehensive online program that has information about careers and training programs, employment resources and curriculum. The tools within MCIS can greatly benefit adult learners as they engage in career planning. Read More