
MN ABE Connect / Archive / ACES/Transitions

Recent Newsletter Articles

Using Problem-Based Learning to Create One-Pot Lessons

Using Problem-Based Learning to Create One-Pot Lessons

Problem-based learning (PBL) scenarios give students relevant, meaningful situations to read, write, think, and talk about, thus keeping them engaged and motivated. This allows for combining basic skills, soft skills, and digital literacy - the focus of our MN ABE Content Standards - into one lesson or unit. Learn more about PBL and the new Content Standards Integration (CSI) Cohort kicking off in January 2020! Read More

Solving the Case of the Missing Content Standards

Solving the Case of the Missing Content Standards

Looking for ways to integrate all three sets of MN ABE Content Standards (CCRS, ACES/TIF, Northstar Digital Literacy Standards) into your instruction? Join us for an exciting new Cohort experience where you will adapt and create student tasks, lesson plans, and units aligned to the three sets of standards! Read More

Let’s Connect…on Schoology!

Let’s Connect…on Schoology!

Are you missing opportunities to connect with ABE colleagues across the state to find out about important updates, ask questions, and share ideas or resources? Come join MN ABE on Schoology! Read More

Why Effective Communication Should Be Part of Your Math Curriculum

Why Effective Communication Should Be Part of Your Math Curriculum

We strongly believe that in a classroom, those who are doing the talking are doing the learning. Over the past year, we have been exploring ways to be purposeful and intentional about embedding the Academic, Career, and Employability Skills (ACES) into our math instruction. We are excited to share how to do that specifically with Effective Communication. Read More

Using PLCs to Develop Navigation Practices with ABE Teachers

Using PLCs to Develop Navigation Practices with ABE Teachers

An overview of a very successful PLC (professional learning community) that was created to develop navigation practices with ABE teachers, including a description of the PLC structure and content, as well information about how to learn more. Read More

Developing College Knowledge

Developing College Knowledge

Student loan debt is a major problem in our country. If we want to help our students develop college readiness, we should be making them aware of resources that can help them to make sound decisions about college, and providing them with opportunities to explore those resources. Read More

Join an Advisory Team and Help Guide Professional Development in MN ABE!

Join an Advisory Team and Help Guide Professional Development in MN ABE!

Do you like thinking about how we grow as professional educators in ABE?  Three unique leadership opportunities are coming up for Minnesota ABE practitioners. Please consider joining the Language & Literacy, MN Numeracy Instruction, or Transitions Advisory Team! Read More

Tools for Navigating the Digital World

Tools for Navigating the Digital World

One important aspect of empowering our learners is helping them develop the skills they need to find the answers to their own questions. Teaching our learners to navigate, interpret and evaluate what they find online are critical skills for all four areas of readiness. Read More

Strike Lesson Planning Gold with the CareerKit Project

Strike Lesson Planning Gold with the CareerKit Project

The CareerKit Project consists of lessons and materials that introduce learners to careers in ten sectors. The kits were developed to introduce learners to careers in each sector, while also building core reading, writing, research and math skills. Read More

Skills Commons for Developing a Future Pathway

Skills Commons for Developing a Future Pathway

As ABE teachers we want to help our students achieve their individual goals, but we often struggle with a lack of time and resources. Check out this repository of free online resources that highlight innovation and out-of-the-box thinking for helping adult learners reach their career and training goals. Read More