Mental Health

MN ABE Connect / Archive / Mental Health

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I’m tired!

I’m tired!

How can you and your students manage constantly evolving change in our COVID world? We are grieving loss in our lives as the pandemic continues to threaten people’s lives and we are uncertain about when it will end.  You may feel fatigue, disappointment, sadness, or fear about your district’s decision to teach students virtually, in-person or in a hybrid model.  Your students may be having similar feelings. Read More

May is Mental Health Month

May is Mental Health Month

This is a good time to check in on how you are managing during the pandemic. Are you suffering from virtual fatigue? Are your moods changing daily? Read more to find strategies on how to manage moods and virtual burnout. Read More

COVID-19 and Stress Management Tips for ABE Staff

COVID-19 and Stress Management Tips for ABE Staff

The COVID-19 pandemic has created fear and uncertainty in Minnesota and around the world about our safety, health and future which may be impacting people’s mental health. There are many healthy methods to help cope with stress during these uncertain times.  Read More

We Can Do Hard Things! Sharing Resources and Information in the Time of COVID-19

We Can Do Hard Things! Sharing Resources and Information in the Time of COVID-19

School may not be in session, but learning is! This is information you need right now. Keep reading to learn about a new central resource hub for all things related to Minnesota Adult Education during the current public health crisis. Read More

Opioids and Chemical Abuse

Opioids and Chemical Abuse

Steve started having achy, stiff, swollen joints, rashes, frequent headaches, sweating, horrible pain and foggy cognition. He sought medical help but the doctors he saw were baffled by his symptoms, so they prescribed an opioid to treat the pain. Read More

Culture Care Connection

Culture Care Connection

Did you know that PTSD, depression and anxiety are common among Somali refugees? Did you know that many Somalis will not admit to mental health problems or seek treatment due to negative perceptions and stigma, some of which are tied to cultural norms? Read More

Suicide Prevention for Adult Educators

Suicide Prevention for Adult Educators

Suicide is the 9th leading cause of all deaths in Minnesota. Preventing suicide is an important skill to develop. Are you aware of a free online course titled, “Suicide Prevention for Adult Educators”? This training is intended to address the re-licensure area of Suicide Prevention Best Practices and offers 1.5 CEUs. Read More

Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Awareness

Does your student show any of the following symptoms: sad, isolating, trouble focusing, difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much? If so, they may be struggling with mental health challenges. Read More

What is Mental Health and How Can You Promote It in the Classroom?

What is Mental Health and How Can You Promote It in the Classroom?

Most people have learned ways to stay physically healthy, but what does it mean to be mentally healthy? Mental and physical health are closely intertwined and are necessary for people’s well-being. Many ABE students face multiple barriers in their lives, which can impact mental health and learning. Read More

Finding Balance During the Holiday

Finding Balance During the Holiday

December can be a stressful time in many people’s lives.  Read more about finding balance and reducing stress during the holiday season. Read More