
MN ABE Connect / Archive / Math/Numeracy

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Join an Advisory Team and Help Guide Professional Development in MN ABE!

Join an Advisory Team and Help Guide Professional Development in MN ABE!

Do you like thinking about how we grow as professional educators in ABE?  Three unique leadership opportunities are coming up for Minnesota ABE practitioners. Please consider joining the Language & Literacy, MN Numeracy Instruction, or Transitions Advisory Team! Read More

Free Online Facilitated Courses Available through LINCS!

Free Online Facilitated Courses Available through LINCS!

The LINCS Professional Development Center is offering Teaching Excellence in Adult Literacy (TEAL) courses. Each course lasts three weeks, is entirely online, and facilitated by a highly experienced LINCS Trainer. There are two cohorts for each course—one in math, and one in writing. Read More

Helpful Resources to Transition to TABE 11/12

Helpful Resources to Transition to TABE 11/12

The transition period from TABE 9/10 to TABE 11/12 is ending July 1, 2019. This means that teachers need to be as prepared as possible to administer these new tests, as well as be able to analyze them. Presented here are some resources to make the transition easier. Read More

Coherence: The Path to the Whole Picture in Math Instruction

Coherence: The Path to the Whole Picture in Math Instruction

Helping students make connections among concepts – both building within and across levels within a domain as well as building across domains – is crucial to their ability to become proficient, independent mathematical thinkers. Read More

Strike Lesson Planning Gold with the CareerKit Project

Strike Lesson Planning Gold with the CareerKit Project

The CareerKit Project consists of lessons and materials that introduce learners to careers in ten sectors. The kits were developed to introduce learners to careers in each sector, while also building core reading, writing, research and math skills. Read More

Facilitating 12 Math Groups Got You Feeling Down? Try a Little Coherence! (continued)

Facilitating 12 Math Groups Got You Feeling Down? Try a Little Coherence! (continued)

Our road to more coherent CCRS math instruction has not exactly followed the geometric definition of a line, but it has led us to much more coherent instruction for our students. Here are four big takeaways that will continue to inform our team’s journey. Read More

Scholarships Available for ABE Practitioners to Attend the 2019 MCTM Spring Conference!

Scholarships Available for ABE Practitioners to Attend the 2019 MCTM Spring Conference!

The MCTM Spring Conference is a two-day event with national keynote speakers and workshop sessions led by math leaders at all academic levels (Pre K-12, ABE, and College), focused on a variety of math topics, teaching methods, resources, and more. ATLAS is offering scholarships of up to $500 each to help offset the cost of attending the conference. Read More

Facilitating 12 Math Groups Got You Feeling Down? Try a Little Coherence!

Facilitating 12 Math Groups Got You Feeling Down? Try a Little Coherence!

Planning instruction in light of the CCRS shift of coherence poses some challenges but offers great rewards. Following from Part 1, this article is Part 2 of a series describing Metro North’s experience with piloting program changes to move toward more coherent math instruction. Read More

Best Practices and Strategies for Success in Numeracy: Let’s Continue the Conversation with Cynthia Bell!

Best Practices and Strategies for Success in Numeracy: Let’s Continue the Conversation with Cynthia Bell!

Learn about the 8 Practices for Teaching Effective Mathematics and join the online Minnesota Numeracy Instruction Networking Group. Read More

Tying Together ESL and Numeracy: Coherence Part 1

Tying Together ESL and Numeracy: Coherence Part 1

Takeaways from the ATLAS Integrating Language and Numeracy Study Circle at Metro North ABE - and in particular, regarding focus and coherence, which can be a challenge in an ESL setting or even in a math class with many English language learners represented. Read More