Program Management

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Recent Newsletter Articles

Digital Navigation: A New Way of Supporting Teachers and Students in the Distance Learning Era

Digital Navigation: A New Way of Supporting Teachers and Students in the Distance Learning Era

For many ABE programs, moving to distance learning has created challenges for both teachers and students. To address these challenges, Literacy Minnesota created a new staff position of digital navigator. This person helps learners access devices and assists with technology support and digital literacy skills. Read More

Build capacity. Invest in new leadership. Host a Minnesota Literacy Leader or Summer Reads!

Build capacity. Invest in new leadership. Host a Minnesota Literacy Leader or Summer Reads!

Hiba, a former adult learner and second-year Literacy Leader, is now leading a cohort of other AmeriCorps members and guiding their professional development. Learn how you can increase organizational capacity at minimal cost, increase your impact and invest in the next generation of literacy leaders with the Minnesota Literacy Leadership and Summer Reads programs. Read More

Integrated Education & Training – Tools of the Trade!

Integrated Education & Training – Tools of the Trade!

Integrated education and training (IET) is a proven approach to building effective adult career pathway programs. We have lots of great information, guidance and tools to assist MN ABE programs in building IET programs and defining an integrated single set of learning objectives. Check them out! Read More

ABE Voices Across the Distance: Snapshot of the New Normal from Mankato Area Adult Education

ABE Voices Across the Distance: Snapshot of the New Normal from Mankato Area Adult Education

MN ABE Connect is featuring a series of interviews with Minnesota ABE practitioners on how they are delivering instruction and support during this time. This week, we hear from Liv Musel-Staloch, the ESL Program Supervisor at the Mankato Area Adult Education Program. Read More

How Strong Are Your ABE Foundations?

How Strong Are Your ABE Foundations?

For new or seasoned ABE staff, the online ABE Foundations course on Schoology has answers to the burning questions you have about Minnesota's ABE system! You can review some or all of the content in the course. Read More

We Can Do Hard Things! Sharing Resources and Information in the Time of COVID-19

We Can Do Hard Things! Sharing Resources and Information in the Time of COVID-19

School may not be in session, but learning is! This is information you need right now. Keep reading to learn about a new central resource hub for all things related to Minnesota Adult Education during the current public health crisis. Read More

Introducing the Minnesota Adult Education PD Catalog!

Introducing the Minnesota Adult Education PD Catalog!

A dedicated team of Minnesota Adult Education Support Network providers has been hard at work creating a new professional development (PD) planning tool just for you: the new Minnesota Adult Education PD Catalog! This online catalog provides an overview of all MN Adult Education PD activities in one convenient, searchable place. Read More

Service Sector Workers – Skilling Up for Success

Service Sector Workers – Skilling Up for Success

Many of our ABE learners currently work in or plan to enter the service sector, where foundational math, literacy and technology skills are essential for surviving and advancing in their careers. Check out the ATLAS online resource library for excellent resources to guide the “skilling up” learners need for work in health care, customer service, food service, or the hotel industry. Read More

The Magic and the Mountains  of Adult Career Pathways Curriculum Design

The Magic and the Mountains of Adult Career Pathways Curriculum Design

You may be interested in developing an Adult Career Pathways course, but not know where you should start and where you can find the resources you need. The good news is that there are great resources at your fingertips and guidance for each step of the journey up this course design "mountain." I’ll share my own experience with you, what I learned, and some tips to design an ACP course that will serve your students well. Read More

NEW Adult Literacy Hotline – Do you know how your data looks?

NEW Adult Literacy Hotline – Do you know how your data looks?

The Adult Literacy Hotline, which has allowed adult learners, social service providers, and ABE staff to find ABE program and class information for over 30 years, now has a new interface – and pulls its data from SiD! Please make sure your data in SiD is accurate in order to help learners find the right program for them. Read More