Adult Career Pathways

MN ABE Connect / Archive / Adult Career Pathways

Recent Newsletter Articles

ParaPro Training through Zoom

ParaPro Training through Zoom

When offering ACP training in remote areas of Southwest Minnesota, it is often a challenge to get enough students to run a class. This spring, Mankato ABE and Glacial Lakes ABE worked cooperatively to pilot a ParaPro course over Zoom. Find out how they make the class a success! Read More

The Sudden Pivot to Move Adult Career Pathways Classes Online

The Sudden Pivot to Move Adult Career Pathways Classes Online

Covid-19 restrictions have caused all of us in Adult Basic Education to suddenly pivot from face-to-face classes to online classes. Although there is so much uncertainty about how we will continue to serve our ABE students in an equitable way through this next year, there remains much promise to continue distance learning options for students. Read More

Language Interpreter: Potential Career Pathway for Our Learners

Language Interpreter: Potential Career Pathway for Our Learners

Explore resources and crucial information for supporting ABE English language learners to pursue work as language interpreters as a career or as a service in their community. What are the requirements for interpreter training and certification? How can ABE involved in an interpreter pathway program? What are the career opportunities? Read More

Help Students Get Their “Foot in the Door” by Creating Great Employer Partnerships

Help Students Get Their “Foot in the Door” by Creating Great Employer Partnerships

Besides the chance to teach ELLs what the idiom “foot in the door” means, creating employer partnerships has many great benefits for your students and your ABE program, as well as the employers in your community. Read More

Service Sector Workers – Skilling Up for Success

Service Sector Workers – Skilling Up for Success

Many of our ABE learners currently work in or plan to enter the service sector, where foundational math, literacy and technology skills are essential for surviving and advancing in their careers. Check out the ATLAS online resource library for excellent resources to guide the “skilling up” learners need for work in health care, customer service, food service, or the hotel industry. Read More

The Magic and the Mountains  of Adult Career Pathways Curriculum Design

The Magic and the Mountains of Adult Career Pathways Curriculum Design

You may be interested in developing an Adult Career Pathways course, but not know where you should start and where you can find the resources you need. The good news is that there are great resources at your fingertips and guidance for each step of the journey up this course design "mountain." I’ll share my own experience with you, what I learned, and some tips to design an ACP course that will serve your students well. Read More

A Win-Win in Career Pathways! Partnering with Your Own School District

A Win-Win in Career Pathways! Partnering with Your Own School District

Local school districts can be a perfect partner for Adult Career Pathways. Metro South ABE shares their work with CDL (Commercial Drivers License) courses for Bloomington Public School District. Read More

Yes, You Can Develop an Adult Career Pathway!

Yes, You Can Develop an Adult Career Pathway!

Yes, You CAN! Adult Career Pathways are not just for large or urban programs. Small programs and rural programs can create a rigorous and high-quality education and training opportunities to prepare students for a full range of secondary and post-secondary educational opportunities. Read More

Let’s Connect…on Schoology!

Let’s Connect…on Schoology!

Are you missing opportunities to connect with ABE colleagues across the state to find out about important updates, ask questions, and share ideas or resources? Come join MN ABE on Schoology! Read More

Adult Career Pathways Networking Group

Adult Career Pathways Networking Group

Keep up to date with all things ACP-related by joining the ACP Networking group. This is an online networking community of practice using the Schoology platform, with a designated facilitator. Read More