Cultural Competency
Recent Newsletter Articles

It Begins With Us Conference
Come join us for our annual "It Begins with Us" Conference on February 10-11! Day 1 will be an immersive and interactive Virtual Dementia Tour facilitated by a representative from Minnesota River Agency on Aging. Day 2 will be filled with speakers, panels, and our keynote speaker, Dr. Anton Treuer. Read More

Translanguaging: Harnessing our Students’ Languages for Classroom Success
What is translanguaging, and why should EL instructors strive to support it in their classrooms? Translaguaging is one way to harness all of our students’ linguistic resources, and it requires intentionality and dedication on our part to give students ownership of their learning. Read More

New Resources Available in the Antiracism in ABE Library!
For the past year, we have been working to revamp the Antiracist Instruction category since we know teachers are looking for specific things to try in their classrooms. Though Antiracist teaching requires deep reflection and constant expansion of our knowledge of culturally responsive practices and how to recognize racism in education, we know it’s helpful to move theory into practice when we can see some examples too. Read More

New Antiracism Instructional Resources Posted!
"Antiracism in ABE" is a large section of the Cultural Competency resource library on the ATLAS website. We have recently been adding new resources to the Antiracist Instruction category, since we know busy teachers are looking for specific things to use in their classrooms. Learn about a few of these great new resources! Read More

Check Out What’s New in the Antiracism in ABE Resource Library!
"Antiracism in ABE" is a large section of the Cultural Competency resource library on the ATLAS website. This summer we have been working to revamp the Antiracist Instruction category, since we know busy teachers are looking for specific things to use in their classrooms. Learn about a few of these great resources, including presentations by our own MN Adult Ed colleagues! Read More

Healing-Centered Learning Environments in Adult Education
MN Adult Education teachers joined Lucille Rosario, MSW, LICSW, to learn strategies for supporting themselves and learners who are experiencing the impact of trauma and stress on their mental and physical health, well-being, and classroom performance. These webinars were excellent, and extremely timely for burned-out teachers at the end of the year. Definitely worth a watch! Read More

Antiracist Praxis Study Circle Facilitator Guide Now Available!
Last fall ATLAS hosted a new Antiracist Praxis Study Circle aimed at moving beyond good intentions by applying intentional antiracist practices in our adult English classrooms. Now, the study circle Facilitator Guide and materials are on the ATLAS website and available to everyone. This is the kind of DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) professional development that we have been looking for, and now it’s ready for YOU to use! Read More

Increasing Cultural Competency for Adult Educators: PELSB-Approved Relicensure Training
ATLAS is pleased to offer a growing number of resources for members of the ABE field to increase their cultural competency, including a 2-part, PELSB-approved training on February 11 and 25 that meets the new Minnesota Cultural Competency relicensure requirements. Here’s a quick list of training options and resources; stay posted because more are on the way! Read More

Responding to Community Trauma in the Classroom – May Webinar Series
The events of the past year have resulted in a rising awareness of the impact of community trauma, and many ABE teachers are searching for the best ways to support their students. Join a two-part virtual training this month to gain tools to address difficult topics in the classroom. Read More

Cultural Competency Resources for Adult Education
ATLAS's online Cultural Competency resource library has been gradually expanding since its launch in October 2020. Check out some of the newest updates and recommended resources from this growing collection! Read More