Minnesota ABE

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Recent Newsletter Articles

Changes Are Coming to ACCUPLACER

Changes Are Coming to ACCUPLACER

Do you prepare learners to take ACCUPLACER®? If so, you may be interested in the changes that Minnesota State has planned for ACCUPLACER. Read More

Defining and Understanding Equity in Minnesota ABE

Defining and Understanding Equity in Minnesota ABE

At the 2017 Summer Institute there was an increased focus on equity, particularly racial equity. How can/should equity show up in ABE programs? Please join the conversation around equity in ABE! Read More

Five Tips for Designing Better Workshop Presentations

Five Tips for Designing Better Workshop Presentations

Planning a workshop presentation? Or thinking about presenting, but unsure where to start? Here are five tips, based on years of experience and piles of evaluation comments, for designing a great session. Read More

Celebrate National Volunteer Week!

National Volunteer Week in April is a time to honor the many ways that volunteers offer encouragement, optimism, patience and enthusiasm to help adult learners achieve their goals. Read on for ideas for celebrating your dedicated volunteers and their many contributions! Read More

What Can I Do? Suggestions from the Allies and Advocates Panel Discussion

Many current ABE volunteers and supporters have been reaching out to ABE organizations and asking for concrete ideas to welcome and support the refugee and immigrant communities in MN. See what panelists suggested at the Minnesota Literacy Council's "Allies and Advocates: Supporting Our Neighbors" gathering. Read More

Current Volunteer Opportunities Search Feature

Volunteers are a valuable resource for providing individualized support to students. If you’d like to recruit volunteers to help your learners, but aren’t sure where to look, the Minnesota Literacy Council can help! Read More

The New Assessments: What Do We Know?

You may have heard that NRS approval for the tests we currently use for reporting purposes ends on June 30, 2017. The good news is that the NRS has extended the approval date for all currently approved assessments to February 2, 2019! Read More

Volunteer Contributions to “Minnesota’s ABE Miracle”

More than 3,100 volunteers worked with ABE learners last year. Read on for more stats and to learn about emerging trends in Minnesota's volunteer sector. Read More

Breaking News on Distance Learning: Khan Academy and Clock Time Adjustment

Recent developments in distance learning (DL) platforms will enhance DL in Minnesota ABE. First, Khan Academy has been approved as a distance learning platform. Second, an adjustment to potential contact hours claimed on platforms using a clock time model has been approved. Read More

WIOA Regional Planning Underway

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act requires a new regional planning effort for the workforce system. Learn more about how Minnesota's Workforce Boards are meeting this mandate. Read More