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ELA + Math = ? (Part 1 of 3)

ELA + Math = ? (Part 1 of 3)

The more time we spend with the College & Career Readiness Standards, the more overlap we discover among the ELA strands and the math domains and practices. Drawing on this overlap can create powerful teaching and learning! Read on for the first of three articles on crossfitting ELA and Math. Read More

A Picture is Worth…. Using Visuals in Math Class to Build Curiosity, Clarity, and Classroom Engagement!

A Picture is Worth…. Using Visuals in Math Class to Build Curiosity, Clarity, and Classroom Engagement!

In numeracy instruction, most of us probably use images as a visual representation of numbers we are working with. But the right images at the right moment can do so much more. Find out about some surprising and powerful tools for accessing and using images! Read More

Make Learning More Relevant with the Language & Numeracy Study Circle

Make Learning More Relevant with the Language & Numeracy Study Circle

Integrating math and numeracy into English language classes is part of aligning our programs to the College & Career Readiness Standards. This practice also makes learning more relevant to learners and opens new ways for them to engage in rich and meaningful activities and conversations. Read More

Calling All Numeracy Instructors! We Want to Hear from You!

Calling All Numeracy Instructors! We Want to Hear from You!

There are great things happening in ABE numeracy classes everyday –because YOU are making them happen – and your colleagues want to hear about it! Read More

Math Teachers: Time to Connect! Top 5 Reasons to Join MCTM

Math Teachers: Time to Connect! Top 5 Reasons to Join MCTM

Ever want to talk math, but have no math buddy? Want to tap the expertise of math education professionals across contexts, including K-12, college, and ABE? Even if you identify as an ELL or ELA teacher who teaches some math, you can still benefit! Read More

The Key to Math Is Reading

The Key to Math Is Reading

Just kidding! Although reading certainly plays a role, the key to math is probably math. But here are some great resources that we as teachers can read and use to strengthen our math instruction. Read More

Evaluating the Mathematical Tasks We Give to Our Students

Evaluating the Mathematical Tasks We Give to Our Students

We give our students tasks to complete every class period. How do we know if these tasks are effective or not? What is our gauge? Read More

Learn about LINCS!

Learn about LINCS!

The Literacy Information and Communication System (LINCS) offers freely available courses, resources, and community for adult educators. Check out this powerful resource! Read More

Rethinking Fractions

Rethinking Fractions

There is always more to learn when thinking about teaching fractions. Benchmark fractions are an accessible topic that could work well in an English language classroom, in any class that explores charts and graphs, or in various levels of math classes. Read More

What Do You Notice? What Do You Wonder? Getting Students Thinking – and Talking – About Math

Bring a new routine into your math instruction! "Notice and Wonder" provides an opportunity for deep thinking and rich conversation for all students. Read More