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What Does It Mean to Be a Refugee?

This video describes the prevalence of global conflict that results in the internal displacement of millions of people due to war, violence and persecution, as well as the difference between an Internally Displaced Person (IDP) and a refugee. This resource is a visually engaging resource to inform ABE practitioners more about refugee populations. There are also lesson materials provided.

The U.S.-Mexico Migrant Crisis

This news special gives insight to the scope and complexity of migration at the Mexico/U.S. border. This resource can be used by ABE practitioners to better understand the political, social and economic background of a population of learners who we serve in ABE.

Refugees in America

This is the official United Nations High Commission for Refugees website, which can serve as a primer for ABE educators who work with refugees to understand who refugees are, where they come from, and relevant statistics and facts about refugees.

Health Literacy Resources

This collection of multi-language health videos, classroom lessons, and support resources was created to support language learners who are new to English and who may have limited literacy skills to reduce barriers to access healthcare and improve health literacy.

Refugee and International Health – MN DHS

This MN Department of Health website contains descriptions of trainings on refugee resettlement offered by the MN DHS, as well as links to informational resources on refugee resettlement in Minnesota and the U.S.

Immigrant Story Curriculum for English Language Learners

Immigrant Stories is a digital storytelling and archiving project. This curriculum will allow students to create a 3-5 minute digital story about a personal experience using the Immigrant Stories website ( The curriculum includes everything you need to assign the project: a 4-week schedule, lesson plans, a grading rubric, and student handouts.

Workforce Collaborations Build a System of Supports for Immigrants

How can workforce development agencies and adult education programs work together to strengthen each other’s services to immigrant language learners? This 6-page fact sheet describes how community networks in three different parts of the country answered this question.

New Resources

abc English Teacher Training

abc English is a collection of resources for teachers and tutors who work with adult and adolescent English learners who are developing basic literacy and language skills. abc English offers free Teacher Training resources which serve as asynchronous professional development opportunities. Training includes video examples of instructional techniques, a sample lesson outline and a teacher's guide as well as a Webinar video.

abc English Online Library

abc English offers English Readers, Flashcards, and slideshows for systematic phonics, grammar, and vocabulary building. Full access to the online library requires a subscription, but some of the materials are free. Additionally, there is a free 30-day trial option.

Literacy Now: Downloadable Material

This website includes books from Literacy NOW workshops, and testing materials developed for ESL Programs. These have been developed and curated by Tacoma Community House. You will find tools for the Language Experience Approach (LEA), A Speaking and Listening Handbook, and three different volunteer handbooks for those supporting Beginning ESL Literacy students.

Newsletter Signup

Get MN ABE Connect—the official source for ABE events, activities, and resources!

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PD Catalog

Get an overview of all MN Adult Education professional development (PD) activities in one convenient, searchable place!

PD Catalog

Presenter Information

Get information about stipends, reimbursements, the MN Adult Ed policy on use of images in presentations, and other instructions for presenters.


MN Adult Ed YouTube Channel

The MN Adult Education YouTube Channel is a free online PD resource that you can use to explore teaching techniques and classroom ideas in action! Find out more in this MN ABE Connect newsletter article.


ATLAS Announcements & Future PD

Check out the latest list of ATLAS professional development announcements and opportunities! This is the document that is shared at all ATLAS events.


Virtual Meeting Resources

Find resources for conducting online meetings/events/presentations! You are welcome to use and adapt these materials to fit your own needs and context.


Upcoming ABE Events

December 10, 2024 1:00 pm–3:00 pm
Literacy Minnesota

Comprehension Strategies for Intermediate-Level Readers


Registration Deadline: TUE. 12/10/24 Research shows that explicitly teaching a set of comprehension strategies is a great way to help intermediate-level readers maximize their understanding of texts. Come learn a handful of great comprehension tools that will help students develop critical thinking skills and comprehension skills. Learn More

December 10, 2024 2:00 pm–3:30 pm

ACES/TIF Foundations Webinar Series


Registration Deadline: Date of each webinar Get Acquainted with ACES/TIF! Are you the kind of person who believes that 2’s company and 3’s a party? Are you new to ABE in MN and looking to connect with colleagues in a supportive environment? Maybe you’re not new, but you’d… Learn More

December 13, 2024 8:30 am–2:45 pm
Literacy Minnesota

2024 VIRTUAL Literacy Volunteer Management Conference


Registration Deadline: THU. 12/12/24 The Volunteer Management Conference (VMC) is a one-day professional development opportunity that brings together Adult Basic Education staff who work with volunteers: coordinators, teachers and managers alike. This year, the conference will be virtual, on Zoom. Cost: FREE for participants in Minnesota; $20 for participants outside… Learn More
