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Reading Skills Stories

This section of the Literacy Centre of Expertise website offers both interactive (with audio) and downloadable (PDF) student and teacher materials. There are phonics stories, "Interactive Foundational Stories" (dealing with oral language, vocabulary and comprehension), and stories dealing with word families and sight words, all written for adult language learners.

Adult ELL Pathway to Literacy

Find the Adult ELL Pathway to Literacy curriculum and online assessment tools here. These resources were developed by a team of literacy level teachers, and piloted with in-person and online classes of literacy level learners.

Tar Heel Reader

This collection of free, easy-to-read, and accessible books on a wide range of topics. Each book can be speech enabled and accessed using multiple interfaces. Teachers can write their own books using pictures from the huge collection at Flickr or pictures they upload.

Arlington Education and Employment Program

This site has extensive resources for teachers and learners, including a full life skills-based curriculum, interactive story links for beginners, and collections of links on a variety of topics including typing, pronunciation, and citizenship.

BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental Readers

Find readers and accompanying course packets written specifically for adults. The six levels of readers range from low beginner to the equivalent of grade 9 in the K-12 system. Use the readers and course packets online, or download them as PDFs.

Health Literacy Resources

This collection of multi-language health videos, classroom lessons, and support resources was created to support language learners who are new to English and who may have limited literacy skills to reduce barriers to access healthcare and improve health literacy.

ESL Literacy Readers (Bow Valley Readers)

This collection of 40 theme-based readers features adult ESL learners engaging in everyday work and life activities. The learner page provides ESL students with access to seven levels of stories written specifically for adults. Each story focuses on a different learner and has an accompanying listening track so learners can listen as well as read the story.

CCRS in the ABE Classroom: Beginning ESL

This lesson focuses on Shift 2: Evidence; Reading Anchors 1, 3, and 7, Level A; Speaking and Listening Anchors 1 and 6, Level A; and Language Anchor 1. The learners: 1) Ask and answer questions about key details in a text, 2) Describe the connection between individuals, 3) Use illustrations to describe key ideas, 4) Speak audibly, express thoughts clearly and succinctly, 5) Follow rules for discussions & responding to comments/questions in an exchange, and 6) Understand and use question words, possessive pronouns, and the progressive verb tense.

A Digital Workbook for Beginning ESOL

This free online book contains three levels of interactive grammar lessons and reading activities for beginning students of ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages). The grammar section includes a select set of YouTube videos, and the three original readers include short picture or chapter stories. Each lesson is accompanied by self-correcting exercises.

We Speak NYC – learner activities

Provides videos and practice activities (such as quizzes) for learners to develop listening and vocabulary skills in an independent learning setting. Topics include education, health, emergency preparedness, domestic violence, workforce development, adult education, early childhood education, worker rights, mental health, and immigration legal help. Appropriate for high beginning to high intermediate learners.

We Speak NYC

These videos and accompanying materials (including short stories, study guides, and glosses) develop listening and vocabulary skills in a classroom or independent learning setting. Topics include education, health, emergency preparedness, domestic violence, workforce development, adult education, early childhood education, worker rights, mental health, and immigration legal help. Appropriate for high beginning to high intermediate learners.

Learn English Free: EnglishClub

EnglishClub is a free website designed to help beginning to advanced English Language Learners develop their English skills. Learners can find activities and materials to learn about and practice listening, reading, pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. Teachers can also find materials and lesson plans.

iPads and Tablets in the LESLLA Classroom

With suggestions of iPad/tablet apps that build reading foundations skills, numeracy, and digital literacy for ESL learners with limited or interrupted formal education, this list can help integrate ABE standards in a targeted, self-paced, and differentiated manner.

Numeracy Units: Beginning Level

The Hubbs Center has created a series of Beginning Level Numeracy Units based on real-life applications such as consumerism, temperature, time, health, and work. Find lessons and handouts (in Dropbox folders) under the Numeracy Units link on the main webpage.

Literacy Education and Second Language Learning for Adults (LESLLA)

This website provides information about current research with low literacy level adult English language learners, as well as numerous resources for teaching and supporting beginning level learners.

Adult ESL Pronunciation Activities Videos

Find six different Pronunciation Classes videos that feature teachers delivering integrated pronunciation instruction in beginning and intermediate adult ESL classrooms. Some of the topics covered include word stress, intonation, and voice quality settings.

Our School Garden

This project-based unit of instruction leads students through a process of writing, filming, editing, and showcasing their own videos about a community garden they have tended all summer.

Diana’s ELL Writing Practice

This website is used as a companion to classroom writing instruction for Low Intermediate ELLs. Each of the 3 sections (Parts of Speech, Verb Tenses, and Sentences) has multiple lessons; all include a voiced-over video (based on class handouts) and quiz (multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank) with immediate feedback.

Diana’s ELL Writing Practice – Grammar

This website is used as a companion to classroom writing instruction for Low Intermediate ELLs. Each of the 3 sections (Parts of Speech, Verb Tenses, and Sentences) has multiple lessons; all include a voiced-over video (based on class handouts) and quiz (multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank) with immediate feedback.

New American Horizons: Adult ESL Teacher Training Videos – Low Literacy

This collection of 12 teacher training videos were filmed in adult ESL classes and feature a variety of teaching strategies and activities. For teachers interested in learning more about working with low-literacy learners, there are three videos that address this level.

New Resources

Transitions 101

This webinar provides the basics of what is meant by “Transitions” in adult education. ATLAS and the Minnesota Department of Education give an overview of relevant work and professional learning options around adult career pathways, IET, transitions to post-secondary entry, and more!

Video #6: Analyzing Our Lessons with the Culture Tree

The Culture Tree helps us name tangible parts of culture, so that when we look at our lesson plans, we can figure out how much of the content is based on our own culture and ways of seeing/thinking of things. Therefore, once we name what part of culture the lesson connects with, we can then think about what kinds of discussion questions or content will invite learners to share about their own experiences. This makes class more relevant and helps learners bridge information they already know to new skills and knowledge.

Videos Series: Moving Equity Forward in Adult Education

Moving Equity Forward in Adult Education is a series of short videos around DEI/antiracism topics in adult education. Each video and accompanying discussion questions will package an important concept that works toward justice in a format that is easily accessible for educators. Videos cover topics such as understanding culture, discovering learners’ funds of knowledge, being a warm demander, and using diverse teaching materials.

Newsletter Signup

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PD Catalog

Get an overview of all MN Adult Education professional development (PD) activities in one convenient, searchable place!

PD Catalog

Presenter Information

Get information about stipends, reimbursements, the MN Adult Ed policy on use of images in presentations, and other instructions for presenters.


MN Adult Ed YouTube Channel

The MN Adult Education YouTube Channel is a free online PD resource that you can use to explore teaching techniques and classroom ideas in action! Find out more in this MN ABE Connect newsletter article.


ATLAS Announcements & Future PD

Check out the latest list of ATLAS professional development announcements and opportunities! This is the document that is shared at all ATLAS events.


Virtual Meeting Resources

Find resources for conducting online meetings/events/presentations! You are welcome to use and adapt these materials to fit your own needs and context.


Upcoming ABE Events

February 10, 2025 9:00 am–4:00 pm
See Moua-Leske
The Upper Room
100 West College Drive, Suite #300
Marshall, MN 56258 United States

It Begins With Us

The Upper Room
100 West College Drive, Suite #300
Marshall, MN 56258 United States

Registration Deadline: FRI. 2/7/25 COST: $45 per day Come join us for our annual It Begins with Us Conference on February 10-11! We will be at a new location this year at The Upper Conference, located in downtown Marshall. Day 1 will be an immersive and interactive Virtual Dementia… Learn More

The Upper Room
100 West College Drive, Suite #300
Marshall, MN 56258 United States
February 11, 2025 9:00 am–4:00 pm
See Moua-Leske
The Upper Room
100 West College Drive, Suite #300
Marshall, MN 56258 United States

It Begins With Us

The Upper Room
100 West College Drive, Suite #300
Marshall, MN 56258 United States

Registration Deadline: FRI. 2/7/25 COST: $45 per day Come join us for our annual It Begins with Us Conference on February 10-11! We will be at a new location this year at The Upper Conference, located in downtown Marshall. Day 1 will be an immersive and interactive Virtual Dementia… Learn More

The Upper Room
100 West College Drive, Suite #300
Marshall, MN 56258 United States
February 12, 2025 1:00 pm–2:30 pm
Minnesota Department of Education

WebChat with MNABE


Registration Deadline: WED. 2/12/25 WebChat with MN ABE is a webinar discussion led by state ABE staff from the Minnesota Department of Education. Web Chat webinars provide updates from the state ABE office on new and emerging issues and an opportunity for local ABE staff to ask questions… Learn More
