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Recent Newsletter Articles

HyFlex in Minnesota ABE: What Is It, Who Needs It, and How Does It Work? – Part 1

HyFlex in Minnesota ABE: What Is It, Who Needs It, and How Does It Work? – Part 1

One of the many conundrums facing Minnesota ABE is how to meet both the needs of adult learners who prefer to learn at a distance and those who want to learn in-person – and all at a time when ABE resources are stretched thin, and public health recommendations change rapidly. HyFlex offers an educational model that can meet the needs and preferences of learners in a flexible, effective manner. Read More

EdTech Integration Strategy Toolkit: Routines to Level Up your Classroom

EdTech Integration Strategy Toolkit: Routines to Level Up your Classroom

Over the last two years, we’ve seen more than our share of Top 10 lists and highlight reels with the newest tech to try. Finally, an EdTech Toolkit goes beyond an information-dump and provides repeatable classroom routines using low-barrier tech resources for you and your students. Read More

2022 Language & Literacy Institute: Registration Now Open!

2022 Language & Literacy Institute: Registration Now Open!

Mark your calendars for the 2022 Language & Literacy Institute on January 27-28. If you teach any aspect of language & literacy—at any level—this event is for you! Read More

Using a Learning Management System (LMS): Coffee Break Takeaways

Using a Learning Management System (LMS): Coffee Break Takeaways

The "Using an LMS" Coffee Break session allowed for a discussion among ABE professionals about the benefits of a Learning Management System (LMS), various LMS platforms used in ABE programs in Minnesota, and other topics. Teachers noted that using an LMS takes some effort up front to establish; however, the outcome is immeasurable for student learning, engagement, and success. Read More

NEW Hyflex Community of Practice!

NEW Hyflex Community of Practice!

Literacy Minnesota and the Support Services Distance Learning team would like to invite you to join a new HyFlex Community of Practice facilitated by Cathy Grady from Hubbs Center-SPPS and Kirsten Collins from Literacy Minnesota. This group will meet online periodically throughout the school year, and our first meeting is set for October 19 at 2:30. This informal group will be a fun place to share and build on our collective knowledge and experience in this new and growing area. Read More

Using Wakelet in the Virtual Classroom

Using Wakelet in the Virtual Classroom

Wakelet is an online shareable space that offers educators a simple and fun way to curate content for their classes. It also offers learners free spaces they can access, develop and share both in and out of the classroom. Learn how to use Wakelet to increase interaction in the ABE classroom. Read More

Using Padlet in the Virtual Classroom

Using Padlet in the Virtual Classroom

Padlet is a digital application that lets users post notes on a digital wall. It is web-based, easy to create and use, and works well both synchronously and asynchronously. It is also well suited for collaborative work. There are multiple ways to use Padlet with your students; find out how! Read More

Using Classkick in the Virtual ABE Classroom

Using Classkick in the Virtual ABE Classroom

Classkick is an ed tech tool that allows an instructor to build web-based slides that can be presentations, assessments, interactive assignments, or all three at once. Classkick has proven to be extremely helpful for introducing many of the digital skills that are so critical for teaching and learning during the pandemic. Read More

Using Flipgrid in the Virtual Classroom

Using Flipgrid in the Virtual Classroom

“Flipgrid is a simple, free, and accessible video discussion experience for learners and families.” The fundamental idea is simple: people might want to share short videos within a group, but not with the whole internet—something that is not easily done on YouTube or Vimeo. That is exactly what Flipgrid allows you to do asynchronously via either their app or web-based site. Read More

Resources for Exploring Tech Careers

Resources for Exploring Tech Careers

April is Technology Month! Did you know that employment in information technology (IT) occupations is projected to grow 10.5% between 2018 and 2028 in Minnesota? Discover a trove of helpful resources dedicated to helping our adult learners prepare for and explore technology careers. Read More