MN ABE Connect Archive

Recent Newsletter Articles

Digital Navigation Survey Results

Digital Navigation Survey Results

Literacy Minnesota recently conducted a survey to gather information about what digital navigation looks like in adult education programs around the state. The survey was intended to give more of an insight about what digital navigation services are already being provided and where programs may need more assistance. Read More

Responding to Community Trauma in the Classroom – May Webinar Series

Responding to Community Trauma in the Classroom – May Webinar Series

The events of the past year have resulted in a rising awareness of the impact of community trauma, and many ABE teachers are searching for the best ways to support their students. Join a two-part virtual training this month to gain tools to address difficult topics in the classroom. Read More

Storyline Online: Not Just for Kids!

Storyline Online: Not Just for Kids!

Read this ESL teacher’s story about using an online video library as the anchor for her weekly lessons. "Using Storyline Online as my lesson anchor makes our reading journey interesting, enjoyable, valuable, and is preparing my students and their children for school and life success!" Read More

Using Flipgrid in the Virtual Classroom

Using Flipgrid in the Virtual Classroom

“Flipgrid is a simple, free, and accessible video discussion experience for learners and families.” The fundamental idea is simple: people might want to share short videos within a group, but not with the whole internet—something that is not easily done on YouTube or Vimeo. That is exactly what Flipgrid allows you to do asynchronously via either their app or web-based site. Read More

Eight Components of Digital Navigation

Eight Components of Digital Navigation

Digital navigation provides learners access to devices, affordable internet, and digital literacy skill training. Literacy Minnesota has created a list of what digital navigation looks like in programs and what services could be provided. Here are the eight components of digital navigation and a few helpful resources. Read More

The Fab Four: Writing Resources That You and Your Students Will Love

The Fab Four: Writing Resources That You and Your Students Will Love

The beginning of a new year is the perfect opportunity to reflect on your teacher toolkit and think about what might need updating. Could you use some new writing resources to help your students with “inking their thinking”? Whether you are trying to incorporate more writing into your daily routines or looking for a few fresh ideas, this list of four fab writing resources is sure to inspire. Read More

How Can We Process Trauma and Tragedy with Our Students?

How Can We Process Trauma and Tragedy with Our Students?

How could this happen again? Are you or your students asking this question? Another tragic and traumatic event in Minneapolis, during a time already fraught with heightened community trauma. How can you process through this tragic event and how do you open discussion with your students? Read More

New Google Meet Training for Tutors and Teachers

New Google Meet Training for Tutors and Teachers

Is your program using Google Meet to teach or tutor ABE learners? Are your volunteers or teachers looking to refresh their memory using its common features? If so, this training will help you and your team become more confident using Meet independently and with learners! Read More

NCTN’s Personal & Workplace Success Skills Library

NCTN’s Personal & Workplace Success Skills Library

National College Transition Network (NCTN) has just unveiled an incredible one-stop shop for finding resources related to ten common transferable skills. The Personal & Workplace Success Skills Library is the answer to whatever questions you might have about where to find resources to support your learners' development in these critical areas. Read More

Resources for Exploring Tech Careers

Resources for Exploring Tech Careers

April is Technology Month! Did you know that employment in information technology (IT) occupations is projected to grow 10.5% between 2018 and 2028 in Minnesota? Discover a trove of helpful resources dedicated to helping our adult learners prepare for and explore technology careers. Read More