MN ABE Connect Archive

Recent Newsletter Articles

Universal Design for Learning Principles in Action

Universal Design for Learning Principles in Action

The “Altered Shoes and Life Journey Project” utilizes the arts to enable immigrant and refugee students to create visual metaphors that reflect their personality and life experiences - and helps them process those experiences. Read More

It’s All About Hitting the Target!

Learning target statements empower students, provide a common focus, communicate what is important, build community and engagement, and increase motivation and confidence. Read More

Managing Stress to Improve Learning: A Self-Management Resource

Managing Stress to Improve Learning: A Self-Management Resource

Some of the biggest obstacles that our adult learners face are often not academic, but social and emotional in nature. The Managing Stress to Improve Learning project has an array of resources to help teachers create safe, stable classrooms and promote positive mental health and stress reduction techniques. Read More

New from Khan Academy: Interactive Grammar Lessons

Khan Academy is a free online learning platform used by students from around the world.  Recently, Grammar was added as a topic under Arts & humanities.  I found the tutorials and exercises to be highly engaging and quite entertaining! Read More

TABE/CASAS Accommodations

TABE/CASAS Accommodations

Does your student have dyslexia?  Mental health challenges?  A physical or chronic health condition?  ADHD?  If you answered yes to any of the above, the student may qualify for TABE/CASAS testing accommodations. Read More

Integrate Content Standards with Unit/Lesson Planning Templates

Integrate Content Standards with Unit/Lesson Planning Templates

Wondering how to weave together transitions skills, basic skills, and digital literacy into instruction? Looking for a way to better organize your thoughts and plans for your students? We now have Lesson Planning Templates available for math and ELA. Read More

S/he Who Does the Most Talking Does the Most Learning

Looking for ways to generate rich mathematical discussion with your students? "Which One Doesn’t Belong?" is a powerful activity that most students can access, and that some may even take to high levels.  It's a perfect way to integrate language and numeracy! Read More

What Can I Do? Suggestions from the Allies and Advocates Panel Discussion

Many current ABE volunteers and supporters have been reaching out to ABE organizations and asking for concrete ideas to welcome and support the refugee and immigrant communities in MN. See what panelists suggested at the Minnesota Literacy Council's "Allies and Advocates: Supporting Our Neighbors" gathering. Read More

New ATLAS Adult Career Pathways Resource Library

New ATLAS Adult Career Pathways Resource Library

Adult career pathways (ACPs) are now an integral part of our programming in ABE. This is complex work, and we can help! We now have a place for you to find and share ACP curriculum resources. Read More

Current Volunteer Opportunities Search Feature

Volunteers are a valuable resource for providing individualized support to students. If you’d like to recruit volunteers to help your learners, but aren’t sure where to look, the Minnesota Literacy Council can help! Read More