
Recent Newsletter Articles

ABE, ACES, and CCRS Foundations Online Courses All on Canvas: New and Improved!

ABE, ACES, and CCRS Foundations Online Courses All on Canvas: New and Improved!

We are so excited that our revamped online ABE, ACES, and CCRS Foundations courses are up and running on Canvas! All of these courses have revised content, more opportunities for interaction, and the most updated information to support your work in the MN Adult Education system. Read More

ACES Updates: New Lesson Plans, TIF and Online Course

ACES Updates: New Lesson Plans, TIF and Online Course

Check out all the recent updates in the realm of ACES (Academic, Career & Employability Skills)! Eighteen new standards-aligned ACES/TIF lesson plans are now available, along with an updated TIF (Transitions Integration Framework) and a new ACES/TIF Foundations course hosted on the Canvas platform. Read More

Changes Are Coming to the USCIS Test for Naturalization (“The Citizenship Test”)

Changes Are Coming to the USCIS Test for Naturalization (“The Citizenship Test”)

USCIS (US Citizenship and Immigration Services) is proposing two significant changes to the Citizenship Test. Find out what they are and how they will directly impact Citizenship classes and the students they serve. Read More

Focus on Writing Instruction This Fall with the ATLAS Writing Study Circle

Focus on Writing Instruction This Fall with the ATLAS Writing Study Circle

Back by popular demand, the Writing Study Circle is scheduled for this fall and is open to teachers of all levels! The fall 2023 study circle meetings will be virtual, making participation from around the state easier. Participants will have the opportunity to dig deeply into some resources related to writing instruction and then implement key strategies with their students. Read More

Desmos: Interactive and Engaging Online Instruction

Desmos: Interactive and Engaging Online Instruction

At the start of my virtual instruction journey in 2020, I tried out several instructional tools to make my online synchronous instruction more engaging than a talking head and a PowerPoint. Desmos is the only one I’m still using three years later. Originally built for math instruction, Desmos is a virtual instructional tool that allows you, the teacher, to build interactive practice for students, accessible via a link or code, and lets you see each student’s work live as they are doing it. Read More

Using Number Categories to Build Coherence – Part 4

Using Number Categories to Build Coherence – Part 4

In the previous articles on number categories, the number systems of whole numbers through rational numbers have been discussed. This article, the last of the series, introduces the irrational numbers and imaginary numbers – as well as the Big Idea behind it all! Read More

Using Number Categories to Build Coherence – Part 3

Using Number Categories to Build Coherence – Part 3

In our previous investigations into number systems, we connected the whole numbers to the integers. Now we backtrack to the next category that actually comes earlier in the CCRS and most books. While we have closed the operations of addition and subtraction with the whole numbers and integers, we now need to check on the next operations: multiplication and division, and how they lead us to rational numbers. Read More

Using Number Categories to Build Coherence – Part 2

Using Number Categories to Build Coherence – Part 2

Number systems are ways of categorizing values with common characteristics. Understanding how we label numbers and categorize their properties can help us to explain the coherence of operations to our students and connect the CCRS standards. This article will introduce problems that arise as operations other than addition create numbers that do not fit into the whole number system. Read More

Consider Joining the DL Advisory Team!

Consider Joining the DL Advisory Team!

Consider joining the DL Advisory team, which will allow you to provide input to guide the state’s distance learning professional development and training efforts; offer input and feedback on policies and procedures governing distance education; advise on the purchase of statewide DL platform licenses; and participate in discussions regarding approval of platforms and courses for distance learning proxy hours. Read More

Updates: Northstar and MobyMax

Updates: Northstar and MobyMax

Minnesota purchases several distance learning platforms for statewide use, via the Tech DL Supplemental Services grant with Literacy Minnesota. Following are updates on two of them: Northstar and MobyMax. Read More