
Recent Newsletter Articles

Increasing Cultural Competency for Adult Educators: PELSB-Approved Relicensure Training

Increasing Cultural Competency for Adult Educators: PELSB-Approved Relicensure Training

ATLAS is pleased to offer a growing number of resources for members of the ABE field to increase their cultural competency, including a 2-part, PELSB-approved training on February 11 and 25 that meets the new Minnesota Cultural Competency relicensure requirements. Here’s a quick list of training options and resources; stay posted because more are on the way! Read More

CCRS Resources: Start the New Year Right! – Part 2

CCRS Resources: Start the New Year Right! – Part 2

There have been so many CCRS webinars, tools, and activities developed over the years, it is sometimes hard to remember the plethora of FREE resources housed on the ATLAS website. Check out this list of many of our prominent CCRS resources – all in one place! Whether you are looking for professional development to complete individually, a PD activity to dive into with a small group/PLC, or the next task to engage in during a regular staff meeting, you’re sure to find some gold nuggets here! Read More

Fishing and Hunting Regulations Now Available in Hmong, Karen, Somali and Spanish

Fishing and Hunting Regulations Now Available in Hmong, Karen, Somali and Spanish

People who speak Hmong, Karen, Somali or Spanish now can read in their language how to legally fish and hunt in Minnesota. The DNR would like to make available free printed copies of the fishing, hunting and waterfowl regulations in these languages as an educational resource or teaching tool to teachers of Adult Basic Education and English Language Learner courses. Read More

Believe It or Not! Information Literacy and Adult Learners: Part 2

Believe It or Not! Information Literacy and Adult Learners: Part 2

"Don't believe everything you read." This reminder is truer today than ever! Adult Basic Education can take the lead by promoting instructional strategies to make ABE students at all levels into more critical readers, listeners, and thinkers in this age of mass information. Here are some specific resources you can use to do exactly that. Read More

Summer Institute 2021: Updates & Opportunities to Get Involved

Summer Institute 2021: Updates & Opportunities to Get Involved

Preparations for Summer Institute 2021 are in high gear, and now is your opportunity jump on board! You can now register, submit a poster session proposal (due August 5), and sign up to provide some tech co-hosting at the virtual Institute. Get a brief preview of what's in store, and find out how to contribute YOUR expertise to make it another great conference this year! Read More

Join the ACP PD Advisory Team and Help Guide Professional Development in MN Adult Ed!

Join the ACP PD Advisory Team and Help Guide Professional Development in MN Adult Ed!

We are currently seeking applications for ABE teachers and administrators to serve on the Adult Career Pathway (ACP) Professional Development (PD) Advisory Team. This team is tasked with designing relevant, meaningful, and effective PD for practitioners around career-related programming, with a focus on Integrated Education & Training (IET) in the coming year. We need representatives who are both new AND experienced with IET to make the advisory team as effective as possible! Read More

Suicide Prevention and Awareness

Suicide Prevention and Awareness

As we grieve the loss of our colleague and previous MDE State Director of ABE, Todd Wagner, this is a time to raise awareness about suicide, become knowledgeable about mental health resources, and reduce stigma about this topic that is often seen as taboo by many. Read More

Summer Institute 2021: We Need YOU!

Summer Institute 2021: We Need YOU!

Preparations for Summer Institute 2021 are in high gear, and now is your opportunity jump on board! You can now register, submit a workshop proposal (due May 31) or poster session proposal (due August 5), and sign up to provide some tech co-hosting at the virtual Institute. Get a brief preview of what's in store, and find out how to contribute YOUR expertise to make it another great conference this year! Read More

The Fab Four: Writing Resources That You and Your Students Will Love

The Fab Four: Writing Resources That You and Your Students Will Love

The beginning of a new year is the perfect opportunity to reflect on your teacher toolkit and think about what might need updating. Could you use some new writing resources to help your students with “inking their thinking”? Whether you are trying to incorporate more writing into your daily routines or looking for a few fresh ideas, this list of four fab writing resources is sure to inspire. Read More

Resources for Exploring Tech Careers

Resources for Exploring Tech Careers

April is Technology Month! Did you know that employment in information technology (IT) occupations is projected to grow 10.5% between 2018 and 2028 in Minnesota? Discover a trove of helpful resources dedicated to helping our adult learners prepare for and explore technology careers. Read More