
Recent Newsletter Articles

Re-Imagining Instruction Part 2: Flipping the Classroom

Re-Imagining Instruction Part 2: Flipping the Classroom

As we look to lessons learned from the past 8+ months of Emergency Remote Teaching, now is a great opportunity to reflect on what we’ve learned and how we can continue to innovate our practice to better serve adult learners both within and beyond our classrooms. In Part 2 in this series, Joey Lehrman explores the flipped classroom as a means of enhancing the ways we engage students in meaningful learning. Read More

An Introduction to Blended Learning with CommonLit: Part 2

An Introduction to Blended Learning with CommonLit: Part 2

This is Part 2 of a three-part series introducing Blended Learning using the state-approved platform CommonLit. Part 1 provided practitioners a simple exemplar of what instruction would look like with Blended Learning. In Part 2 we delve more deeply into the "how" and "why" of using CommonLit for Blended Instruction. Read More

Re-Imagining Instruction Part 1: Independent Learning with Technology

Re-Imagining Instruction Part 1: Independent Learning with Technology

As we look to lessons learned from the past 8+ months of Emergency Remote Teaching, now is a great opportunity to reflect as a field about what we’ve learned and how we can continue to innovate our practice to better serve adult learners both within and beyond our classrooms. In this 2-part series, Joey Lehrman proposes a few options for how we might leverage this moment to rethink and enhance the ways we engage students in meaningful learning. Read More

In Their Own Words:  ABE Students Talk About Success Strategies – Part 2

In Their Own Words: ABE Students Talk About Success Strategies – Part 2

This fall I started working on a project to gather student voices and hear what they had to say about remote learning during COVID-19. In this two-part article, I will explain the process that I went through to document talking with the students, as well as the main takeaways from doing the project. Read More

Election Lessons Shouldn’t (and Don’t) End on November 3rd! – Part 2

Election Lessons Shouldn’t (and Don’t) End on November 3rd! – Part 2

While teachers often pivot away from political themes after an election, we have a great opportunity to continue the discussion and teach some of those often overlooked topics that correspond to events that start happening on November 4 - such as the Electoral College, transition of power, the first 100 days, and the presidency. Read More

Free (To You) Online Testing Administrations – Deadline 9/30/20!

Free (To You) Online Testing Administrations – Deadline 9/30/20!

The Covid-19 pandemic forced our MN Adult Education Support Network to cancel or postpone many events last spring, but we discovered other ways to provide similar services. Unspent funds were used to purchase online test administrations for both CASAS and TABE. To access these online tests, consortium managers must complete the Computer-Based Testing Survey/Sign-up by September 30. Read More

Recent Updates on Proxy Hours for DL Platforms

Recent Updates on Proxy Hours for DL Platforms

Several important recent updates on proxy hours for Minnesota Adult Education distance learning (DL) platforms are outlined here. These platforms include,, and Read More

Let’s Get Together Sometime! (Online Meetings that Won’t Drive You Nuts)

Let’s Get Together Sometime! (Online Meetings that Won’t Drive You Nuts)

Everyone is Zooming their days away lately, it seems! Regardless of which platform you’re using, there are some ways to have a GREAT online meeting, and ways that online meetings can be truly a waste of time. Read on for tips and resources for making the most of your meetings during these distanced times! Read More

Distance Learning: Expanding and Strengthening

Distance Learning: Expanding and Strengthening

The pandemic has changed our service delivery methods virtually overnight, as distance learning (DL) has become the exclusive means by which we teach students. The DL Support Team has been working overtime with state staff to help develop policies, practices, and resources to support everyone during this challenging time. Read More

Using Zoom for Teaching or Meeting Virtually? Secure Your Sessions with These Simple Steps

Using Zoom for Teaching or Meeting Virtually? Secure Your Sessions with These Simple Steps

Do you feel like you're scrambling to navigate new online tools as the necessity to move to virtual communication has turned "business as usual" on its head? Are you worried about recent security concerns with various online meeting platforms such as Zoom? Shore up the security of your online meetings with these simple steps. Read More