Adult Career Pathways

MN ABE Connect / Archive / Adult Career Pathways

Recent Newsletter Articles

Showcase Your Work Transitioning Adult Learners

Showcase Your Work Transitioning Adult Learners

Minnesota State is gathering tools, tips, and best practices, especially with regards to ensuring successful transition into and completion of college-level, credit-bearing postsecondary education. This work will allow Minnesota State to expand its program of awarding Credit for Prior Learning, which can reduce the cost of completing a degree and contribute to student success. Read More

Volunteer to Be a Forward Together Ambassador

Volunteer to Be a Forward Together Ambassador

Minnesota has partnered with The Graduate! Network to recruit and train local volunteer Forward Together Ambassadors to encourage their friends, neighbors, and colleagues to enroll in or to return to college or workforce training and complete their programs. The program is flexible and the possibilities for making a real impact are almost limitless! Read More

Updates on Integrated Education and Training (IET)

Updates on Integrated Education and Training (IET)

In the alphabet soup that is ABE, there are a few letters that have risen to the top during the past year: IET. Integrated Education and Training (IET) is new to many in the ABE field; it combines adult education with specific workforce preparation and training. Read on for updates on what's happening in Minnesota around IETs! Read More

Career Planning with Adult Learners Using MCIS

Career Planning with Adult Learners Using MCIS

The Minnesota Career Information System (MCIS) is a comprehensive online program that has information about careers and training programs, employment resources and curriculum. The tools within MCIS can greatly benefit adult learners as they engage in career planning. Read More

DEED Seeks Community Members to Join Grantmaking Review

DEED Seeks Community Members to Join Grantmaking Review

The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development is committed to changing its grantmaking processes to ensure new voices and perspectives are being heard. We are seeking people with an interest in workforce development, and experience in grantmaking, education, training, workforce, and/or a related area to review grants. Read More

Help Your Family, Friends, and Neighbors Take the Next Step to Skilling Up

Help Your Family, Friends, and Neighbors Take the Next Step to Skilling Up

After more than a year of challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic, Minnesota is looking forward to a brighter future, with increased opportunity for all Minnesotans to skill-up, earn a college credential, and improve their economic outlook. We are moving Forward Together and looking for passionate individuals and committed organizations to help achieve the state’s higher education attainment goal and to help skill up the state’s workforce. Read More

Join the ACP PD Advisory Team and Help Guide Professional Development in MN Adult Ed!

Join the ACP PD Advisory Team and Help Guide Professional Development in MN Adult Ed!

We are currently seeking applications for ABE teachers and administrators to serve on the Adult Career Pathway (ACP) Professional Development (PD) Advisory Team. This team is tasked with designing relevant, meaningful, and effective PD for practitioners around career-related programming, with a focus on Integrated Education & Training (IET) in the coming year. We need representatives who are both new AND experienced with IET to make the advisory team as effective as possible! Read More

Resources for Exploring Tech Careers

Resources for Exploring Tech Careers

April is Technology Month! Did you know that employment in information technology (IT) occupations is projected to grow 10.5% between 2018 and 2028 in Minnesota? Discover a trove of helpful resources dedicated to helping our adult learners prepare for and explore technology careers. Read More

Adult Career Pathways (ACP) / Integrated Education and Training (IET) Networking Takeaways

Adult Career Pathways (ACP) / Integrated Education and Training (IET) Networking Takeaways

Adult Career Pathways (ACP) and Integrated Education and Training (IET) teachers and managers connected online during the Networking Coffee Break at the Fall 2020 Teaching & Learning at a Distance Conference. Find out what they shared about successes, challenges, and resources for ACPs and IETs. Read More

Integrated Education & Training – Tools of the Trade!

Integrated Education & Training – Tools of the Trade!

Integrated education and training (IET) is a proven approach to building effective adult career pathway programs. We have lots of great information, guidance and tools to assist MN ABE programs in building IET programs and defining an integrated single set of learning objectives. Check them out! Read More