HSE/Adult Diploma

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2022 Language & Literacy Institute: Registration Now Open!

2022 Language & Literacy Institute: Registration Now Open!

Mark your calendars for the 2022 Language & Literacy Institute on January 27-28. If you teach any aspect of language & literacy—at any level—this event is for you! Read More

Examining Trends in Students’ Math Knowledge and Skills Gaps with GED Testing Service (GEDTS)

Examining Trends in Students’ Math Knowledge and Skills Gaps with GED Testing Service (GEDTS)

Did you know that since January 2019, approximately 78,000 students have passed 3 of the 4 GED content area tests? Approximately 80% of those students have either not passed or not taken the GED Math test. GED Testing Service is offering a webinar to examine trends in students’ knowledge and skills gaps on the Mathematical Reasoning test. Read More

Custom Edmentum Courses for Adult Diploma

Custom Edmentum Courses for Adult Diploma

The adult diploma Edmentum custom courses are updated! In addition to updating to non-Flash, each course was reviewed to ensure it still meets the ADP competencies. While the courses were designed for adult diploma students, they are a great resource for any students wanting to delve more deeply into science and social studies – whether it’s for GED, college prep, or just because they are interested in the subject.  Read More

Teaching Critical Thinking Skills through a Social Justice Lens

Teaching Critical Thinking Skills through a Social Justice Lens

It is safe to say that 2020 has left us with a lot to unpack as individuals and as educators. As our classes continue to look so different as they take place online, I am thinking about the need to find and use materials that help my students and me to process everything that is going on around us. The resources in the Zinn Education Project are perfect for building the ACES skill of Critical Thinking. Read More

Using Problem-Based Learning to Create One-Pot Lessons

Using Problem-Based Learning to Create One-Pot Lessons

Problem-based learning (PBL) scenarios give students relevant, meaningful situations to read, write, think, and talk about, thus keeping them engaged and motivated. This allows for combining basic skills, soft skills, and digital literacy - the focus of our MN ABE Content Standards - into one lesson or unit. Learn more about PBL and the new Content Standards Integration (CSI) Cohort kicking off in January 2020! Read More

Let’s Connect…on Schoology!

Let’s Connect…on Schoology!

Are you missing opportunities to connect with ABE colleagues across the state to find out about important updates, ask questions, and share ideas or resources? Come join MN ABE on Schoology! Read More

Introducing “Skills”: Lower Level, CCRS-Aligned Edmentum Custom Courses

Introducing “Skills”: Lower Level, CCRS-Aligned Edmentum Custom Courses

New custom courses in Edmentum Courseware and CCRS-level documentation are now available to help you find just the right materials for your adult learners. There are 13 custom courses for adult diploma competencies (CCRS Levels D-E) and 8 custom courses for lower levels (CCRS Level A-B-C). Read More

We Teach Numeracy, Not Just Math: One Site’s Journey to Improving Numeracy Instruction

We Teach Numeracy, Not Just Math: One Site’s Journey to Improving Numeracy Instruction

A brief look at how the Metro North ABE Blaine Learning Lab made site-wide changes to incorporate math instruction at every level. Read More

Strike Lesson Planning Gold with the CareerKit Project

Strike Lesson Planning Gold with the CareerKit Project

The CareerKit Project consists of lessons and materials that introduce learners to careers in ten sectors. The kits were developed to introduce learners to careers in each sector, while also building core reading, writing, research and math skills. Read More

A CCRS Star is Born! Third CCRS Classroom Video Now Available

A CCRS Star is Born! Third CCRS Classroom Video Now Available

In the third and final video of the CCRS in the ABE Classroom series, Dan Bruski of Hopkins ABE skillfully integrates a variety of teaching standards into his beginning level ESL class. During the lesson, learners work on strengthening their vocabulary, developing grammar and critical thinking skills, and using language in a communicative context. Read More