
MN ABE Connect / Archive / Technology

Recent Newsletter Articles

Build Your Virtual Classroom Skills at TechChat Webinars

Build Your Virtual Classroom Skills at TechChat Webinars

Looking to refine your virtual classroom technology skills? Come TechChat! Once a month through June, Minnesota Adult Education teachers will lead TechChat webinars to provide an overview of a specific technology tool, talk about how they have used it in their virtual classrooms, and provide an opportunity for practice and questions. Read More

New “Getting Familiar with Zoom” Webinar Training

New “Getting Familiar with Zoom” Webinar Training

Is your program tutoring learners on Zoom? Are your volunteers using Zoom for the first time or looking to refresh their memory on how to use its common features? If so, this training will help you and your team become more confident using Zoom independently and with learners! Read More

Remote Tutoring Resources from Literacy Minnesota

Remote Tutoring Resources from Literacy Minnesota

Are you using Zoom, Google Meet or WhatsApp to teach or tutor adult learners online? Are you a teacher trainer or program coordinator leading training webinars for volunteers? Literacy Minnesota has created and compiled resources that are designed to help tutors, teachers, and staff navigate the features and functions of these tech platforms on computers or mobile devices. Read More

Distance Learning Support Email: A Resource for YOU!

Distance Learning Support Email: A Resource for YOU!

Need DL help? The distance learning support email is the best way to quickly get your questions answered, get connected to resources, and request training. Use this email to ask us any and all questions about distance/blended/hybrid learning, technology, DL platforms and proxy hours, digital instructional tools and resources, DL policy, best practices, DL courses in SID, webinar trainings, and so on. Read More

ABE Voices Across a Distance: Snapshot from a Rural One-Room Schoolhouse

ABE Voices Across a Distance: Snapshot from a Rural One-Room Schoolhouse

MN ABE Connect is featuring a series of interviews with Minnesota ABE practitioners on how they are delivering instruction and support during this time. This week, we hear from a teacher working in a rural, one-room schoolhouse setting: Pamela Dane. Read More

ABE Voices Across the Distance: Snapshot of the New Normal from a Beginning Level ESL Teacher

ABE Voices Across the Distance: Snapshot of the New Normal from a Beginning Level ESL Teacher

MN ABE Connect is featuring a series of interviews with Minnesota ABE practitioners on how they are delivering instruction and support during this time. This week, we hear from Amy Van Steenwyk, a Beginning Level teacher working at the Cedar-Riverside Adult Education Collaborative in Minneapolis. Read More

ABE Voices Across the Distance: Snapshot of the New Normal from Neighborhood House

ABE Voices Across the Distance: Snapshot of the New Normal from Neighborhood House

MN ABE Connect is featuring a series of interviews with Minnesota ABE practitioners on how they are delivering instruction and support during this time. This week, we hear from three teachers working in the Neighborhood House ESL/GED program: Cara Berger, Kaija Bergen, and Eva Moline. Read More

ABE Voices Across the Distance: Snapshot of the New Normal from a Pre-GED / High-intermediate ESL Teacher

ABE Voices Across the Distance: Snapshot of the New Normal from a Pre-GED / High-intermediate ESL Teacher

Minnesota schools are closed; how are MN ABE educators responding? MN ABE Connect is featuring a series of interviews with Minnesota ABE practitioners on how they are delivering instruction and support during this time. This week, we hear from Jessica Jones, a High Intermediate/Pre-GED teacher working at Open Door Learning Center in St. Paul. Read More

Using Zoom for Teaching or Meeting Virtually? Secure Your Sessions with These Simple Steps

Using Zoom for Teaching or Meeting Virtually? Secure Your Sessions with These Simple Steps

Do you feel like you're scrambling to navigate new online tools as the necessity to move to virtual communication has turned "business as usual" on its head? Are you worried about recent security concerns with various online meeting platforms such as Zoom? Shore up the security of your online meetings with these simple steps. Read More

We Can Do Hard Things! Sharing Resources and Information in the Time of COVID-19

We Can Do Hard Things! Sharing Resources and Information in the Time of COVID-19

School may not be in session, but learning is! This is information you need right now. Keep reading to learn about a new central resource hub for all things related to Minnesota Adult Education during the current public health crisis. Read More