Project-Based Learning Resources

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Looking at the Bigger Picture: 7 Tips for Using Project Based Learning in the ESL Classroom

This article gives an overview of project-based learning, including why it is good for ESL students and what the teacher's role is. It also provides seven tips for successful project-based learning implementation in the ESL classroom.

Project-Based Learning for Adult English Language Learners

This article provides a rationale for using project-based learning with adult ELLs, describes the process, and gives examples of how the staff of an adult ESL program have used project-based learning with their adult learners at varying levels of English proficiency.

Project-Based Learning: Buck Institute for Education

The Buck Institute for Education (BIE) website was created to show teachers how to use Project Based Learning (PBL) in all grade levels and subject areas. The website provides articles and books, research summaries on PBL, videos, a library of sample projects, downloadable teaching tools, and more.

Project-Based Learning: Explained

This short video explains the essential elements of Project-Based Learning (PBL) and how they enable collaboration, critical thinking, and communication to develop.

Project-Based Learning: The Online Resource for PBL

This website contains links to numerous PBL resources, including guides for designing projects, a project library, teaching and learning online strategies, and articles about PBL.

Seven Essentials for Project-Based Learning

This article from Educational Leadership describes seven elements the authors have found every meaningful project needs to have: (1) A "need to know," (2) a driving question, (3) student voice and choice, (4) 21st century skills, (5) inquiry and innovation, (6) feedback and revision, and (7) a publicly presented product.

Starting Small with Project-Based Learning

This article from Edutopia gives teachers three tips for starting to implement Project-Based Learning (PBL) in their classrooms.

Supporting ELLs in PBL Projects

This article from Edutopia outlines how Project-Based Learning (PBL) is valuable for English Language Learners (ELLs) when it teaches academic vocabulary, encourages collaboration, scaffolds structure and function, allows assessment and differentiation, and leverages their native language.